msbelle, here's to hoping Mac stays asleep.
Cash, that's a day from hell. You poor thing.
I am tired (ended up going to urgent care at 5 AM and nothing is resolved), but Noah ended up helping me make sugar cookies. I hope all the dough he ate =/= salmonella.
Did you know there is a reality show that takes 5 porn actresses and puts them in other businesses?
Did you know there is a reality show that takes 5 porn actresses and puts them in other businesses?
Like pizza delivery or plumbing?
thanks for the good wishes - he is safely out.
My Bare Lady. Apparently as actresses? Though with season 2, it's being an entrepeneur, I think.
Did you know there is a reality show that takes 5 porn actresses and puts them in other businesses?
Customer service?
"I'm sorry you're dissatisfied with our service. Would you like a blowjob?"
Lovely, too-short time at the bbq. Got most of my errands run and a couple more generated. Errands took longer than I thought, which made me late to the party. And of course, I have the MK deadline, so I couldn't stay longer. FAIL.
New noisy neighbor has a pit who is whining and howling its fool head off on the balcony. Joy. I am so fucking moving.
But I now have 3 covered litterboxes. Oy. And I got a new remote, but it still won't let me program the vcr, so that goes back, if I can find the fucking receipt. Damnit. I still need to find a food for Loki because he EATS and Devi's food is damned expensive. But then to keep her and MK out of it... Damn good he's cute.
I am so fucking moving.
I am trying to stay up for SNL, but I am not sure I will make it.
Between Ms. Louise maybe kinda sorta leaving, the goddamn roof leak ( a personal phobia is water damage,) the bullshit with the a/c, the obnoxious new neighbors...any charm has gone. Plus the seed money mom gave me burning a guilt hole in my savings account. Sure, it is convenient and not-change, but...I'm out of excuses.
eta; Oh, and 3 cats and litterboxes.