They were religious "mavericks" who felt that they could become closer to God through self-study of the biblical texts and the writings of Jesus. A hierarchical church structure was often anathema to their understanding of their faith.
Yeah, I think the "study" part is where that comparison falls apart.
Although Baptists continue to not believe in a hierarchical church structure, for what that's worth.
Without the anti-intellectual part, this is a good definition of Gnosticism. Which was frowned upon (to say the least) by the early Christian church. They were religious "mavericks" who felt that they could become closer to God through self-study of the biblical texts and the writings of Jesus. A hierarchical church structure was often anathema to their understanding of their faith.
Of course, they read stuff.
My ex-FAC was like that. They were (I assume they still are) VERY into inductive bible study, researching the Greek/Aramaic/Hebrew roots of the words to see how accurate the English translations are, etc.
And that was a big part of what I liked about them -- they *read* stuff, they researched it, they didn't just passively assent to dogma.
Except....I truly think only a small handful actually read and researched, and then they twisted the results to match what they wanted to believe anyway, and then the rest of the church *did* passively assent, but they could claim that their beliefs were the result of lots of studying. Just not their own studying.
Conclusion: people who read can still be assholes. Assholes in the name of Jesus.
She reads ALL the newspapers and magazines!
ALL of them.
Laughing at Beetle Bailey because you don't understand it doesn't count.
Nor Hagar the Horrible.
"Oh, Andy Capp, you wife-beating drunk..."
Sarah Palin debate flowchart:
I tend to think of any stance of dismissing the benefit of expertise in a field of study as anti-intellectual.
How can you say that? She reads ALL the newspapers and magazines!
ALL of them.
Heh, Jon Stewart included the bit when she clarified that any media that were put in front of her, she read, and, of course, had a field day with it. Me? I'm wondering what happens if you put porn in front of her.
Yet another weird Palin baby name.
The Ig Nobel Prizes were announced at the same time as the debate (hmmm...) [link]
As a former archaeologist, I can say that armadillos are actually a serious problem in the interpretation of some archaeological sites. It's funny, but it's true.
The bailout plan has passed the House.