Spencer's such a dork. He's my second favourite character. I'm watching two seasons of reruns too, so I don't know what season it was when he was quoting
back Montegna's character's book to him and the rest of the team were eye-rolly and Morgan had to tell him to stop.
I did want to see some
Morgan/Garcia interaction
this week. Or anything with
his character development and NY.
I suspect
Sam will be heavily featured in part 2
made good use of his few lines. I found him chilling.
I haven't gotten much the
empty coffin
but now I am sad about the lack you mention.
Anybody else having trouble getting onto livejournal?
afraid of clowns! With good reason!
She's vicariously added to my issues!
Hil, I am
Oh, and SPN had one of the wrongest things I've seen in forever:
Mary kissing her father's animated corpse. I wonder if YED was keeping it