Parallel parking is one thing I can kinda do about driving. It's done veeeery slowly and the only car moving is you. Since it's speed and other moving cars that terrify me, I am okay with it.
That was pretty much my deal with driving, too. However, I have a valid NYS license, thanks to being able to just swap out my old one. A friend of mine just got her first driver's license! It's exciting.
Really, Dana? I didn't have to take a driving test to get my WA State license! Is your TX one expired or something?
Maybe the website lies. On the other hand, it lists the wait time at the driver's license office, so I forgive it for any mistakes.
I'm pretty sure I have to pass the written test.
I'm not the only car moving! There are other cars on the road I'm trying to park from! What if I park and can't get out? Aargh!
Huh. I have issues. Who knew? Anyway, it doesn't much matter here because the only parallel parking in town was if you wanted to park directly in front of the local pizza dive. And now the town has torn down that joint to make an intersection. Which is sad.
But okay, because the owner has invited us over for Sunday dinner at some point in the unspecified future, which will rock, and we will lord over the rest of the town. Also we bought some of her pizza pans.
Hah. Somehow I was reading Liese as lisah and wondering how you get away with not parallel parking in Baltimore.
I just realized I could use this aromatherapy neck thing I've had for a while, even though I don't have a microwave (you're supposed to either heat or cool it). The smell is good, and the weight is helping put my shoulders down a little. I need a massage.
I have almost no depth perception. You can imagine my parallel parking skills.
Yeah, I didn't have to parallel park for my NM license. They didn't even teach it in drivers' ed! I think the only place you'd have to do so is maybe MAYBE on campus, and in Mesilla, but that could easily be avoided without adding much of a walk.
I've been driving for 19 years now. That's crazy. (Licensed for 18. ACK!)
Somehow I was reading Liese as lisah
Bwah! Yeah, not so much B'more. I certainly didn't have to in the checkerboard area off the reservation in New Mexico. And I could here, but there's seriously just the one spot. Where I live now in Arizona I could just park in the middle of the street and odds are no one would notice, what with there only being one other house on the street, or within the next three streets.