McCain says Obama lead growing because ‘life isn’t fair’
And no, that's not a Wonketter headline. OK, it is - they have this to say:
Let this mark the first time in American History that Wonkette used the exact real-world news headline as the funny comedy news headline.
From the actual article:
(CNN) — Sen. John McCain said Thursday that Sen. Barack Obama’s poll numbers are rising as the economy seems to sink “because life isn’t fair.”
“He certainly did nothing for the first few days,” McCain said Thursday on Fox News. “I suspended my campaign, took our ads down, came back to Washington, met with the House folks and got on the phone, and also had face-to-face meetings.”
But Obama was at one of them...during which JM, "sat silently" while he asked questions..
anyone think Cindy might not be the only one with a secret stash?
In the last 35 minutes, my desktop lost its mind and had to be rebooted and a piece of hardware has gone mental walkabout again.
I think I'll just go home.
Yesterday's was such a stress-filled day here at work, topped off with me having to run to the bookstore and then us not getting out of there until after 11:00 last night, that I'm thinking about here about 5:30 or so (a little early since I didn't get in until after 10:00 this morning).
I was on call at the store tonight, but they don't need me, so I can watch the debate and throw popcorn at the screen whenever I get pissed off and/or celebrating a Biden slam. I'm anticipating going through a lot of popcorn tonight. Then I can tune in to the rest of the Cubs game.
“I suspended my campaign, took our ads down, came back to Washington, met with the House folks and got on the phone, and also had face-to-face meetings.”
And the thing still didn't pass.
This is kinda creepy, but also kinda cool-put your (or someone else's face on an M&M)* [link]
- I feel I should give the disclaimer that my company did that, FWIW.
I need to schedule my first one. I know, I know, I should not be foot-dragging slacker girl on this, I should not keep putting it off.
Don't make me come up there.
Illustration: Arthur Rackham's Grimm's Fairy Tales
Arthur Rackham was one of the most influential illustrators who ever lived. If you aren't familiar with his work, see Bud Plant's biography. These scans are from a first edition of Grimm's Fairy Tales from 1909. This book is packed with amazing color plates and ink sketches.
I've no history of bc, so I'm waiting till I'm 39. I don't think it will be that awful, right? I'm sure I've had my boobs squished harder accidently?
Honestly, I've it doesn't involve needles, my pain tolerance is pretty high. It's pretty high with needles, too, but I have HUGE needle phobia, so there's that. I would have to be knocked unconscious for amnio or a spinal tap. Seriously -- I would be like, I don't care. Just let me fucking DIE.
FWIW, I've had painless mammograms. But then I've got a rather high pain threshold, so YMMV.
I've never understood how they can get a good picture of some of the tiny ta-tas I see on some women.
Mind are pretty much a straight up B-cup, but one side is about a half-cup smaller than the other. Which made the squishing between the plates bit a challenge, I will admit. I couldn't even begin to imagine how someone with A or smaller could manage the plates. It felt like everything was being stretched in ways that nature never intended.