I hate dealing with Doctors.
Noah's referral to the retinal specialist expired before they'd fucking give him an appointment (yes. at children's. Hahahaha) He hasn't had a follow up for 10 months.
My doctor had an appt at 4 to see me about the fever. But I can't get there on time and I have Noah so I can't do everything and still get my son on time. He wants me to go to urgent care (yes, I was just there two days ago... they were the ones who found the fever) for bloodwork. Um. No. If I can't get to your office, there is no way I can get to urgent care.
Kat, that is crazy.
In less crazy news, just because I was curious, I looked at what the DJIA has lost (percentage-wise) since this time last year (close to when it was at its all-time-high).
The answer? About 22%. The same amount it lost in
one day
(Black Monday) in 1987.
Somehow this makes me feel better.
so I come home to a postcard notification that my gas will be terminated in 5 days because they show use, but not a request for service. Um, I've been here for 6 YEARS!! And yeah, turns out I never activated my gas. 6 YEARS!!!! How do they just now notice and how did I miss that my utility bill was electric only, I thought it was both this whole time. HATE HATE HATE!
oh msbelle. That's crazy! Is there a way to resolve?
yes, it involves me going to an office with 2 forms of ID, my mortgage papers and then getting a bill for 6 years of gas use. I am hopeful that I can work out some sort of payment plan.
Kat, msbelle, you're both ensnared by the crazy.
msbelle, can you now blink very innocently and request service? Or are they going to try and get 6 years of back gas from you?
McCain was a bomber pilot. I guess it doesn't make any difference, but I've seen the "McCain was a fighter pilot" thing a lot, so it bugs me.
Frankly, pilot is even stretching it, given that the one that landed him as a POW was the fifth one he'd driven into the ground.
yes, it involves me going to an office with 2 forms of ID, my mortgage papers and then getting a bill for 6 years of gas use. I am hopeful that I can work out some sort of payment plan.
OMG, that's crazy. Sorry.
Now my boss has the 101 fever, so I may end up going to a fancy meeting tomorrow instead of her.
I had one of those cakes, Kat! Except my mother painted the doll with browning (which from googling might be a Jamaican product--it's used in cooking to brown stuff). Because that's my mom.