I wish the news would stop trumpeting the BIGGEST POINT DROP ever. It's still nothing comparing to 1987, where the market lost over 20% in one day.
Yeah, this is like how every movie is the HIGHEST GROSSING EVAR!! Well, sure, because movie tickets are more expensive this year. OK, it's nothing like that, really, but the point is: biggest in terms of numbers isn't necessarily biggest in terms of impact.
Oh, I'm not going anyhwere near my 401K. Do not want to know.
Haha, tommyrot -- great minds think alike?
and as with most things, we are the voice of reason while much of the rest of the country is all OMGOMGing and pulling out their $500 from checking to sit on at home.
Heard about a guy who worked at Lehman closing out an account for over $10K the week they collapsed. He was robbed on the way home. Despite working in Finance he was afraid of letting his money sit there in an account. No trust in the FDIC.
Haha, tommyrot -- great minds think alike?
Yeah. Or it it that fools seldom differ?
I'm sick of the locals--mostly "I've got mine, the rest of you dirty rotten unAmerican cheaters can go hang" types--saying "Let everything just collapse!" They think they'll survive because they've got food storage in the basement.
I'm not worried about my checking & savings accounts, but I'm damned relieved I wasn't planning on using my trust fund for anything in the next few years.
we are the voice of reason while much of the rest of the country is all OMGOMGing and pulling out their $500 from checking to sit on at home
That's right, I'm not just sitting on my $500, I'm buying food and guns.
Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., the whip, estimated that Pelosi's speech changed the minds of a dozen Republicans who might otherwise have supported the plan.
Frank said that was a remarkable accusation by Republicans against Republicans: "Because somebody hurt their feelings, they decided to punish the country."
Ah, it wasn't Wonkette, it was Barney Frank who said that. My mistake.
House to meet Thursday after rejecting bailout
Sara Palin Interview Generator: [link]
I like this one:
Q: What is the role of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan?
PALIN: Afghanistan will lead to further security of our economy. It is, somebody was saying this morning, a toxic waste there on the verbiage that Senator McCain chose to use them. So we have got to get that gas line built, so pray for that. I see the collapse that we're seeing today, you know that there are very, very appropriate role in the stringent oversight, making sure that those abuses stop. Well, you know, kids who perhaps graduate college and their allies, including the United States as being a force for good in the trade sector today we've got to play an appropriate role in the sense of the earth.