Wait, I don't get it, sara--it broke, so they're going to DELAY sending people to fix it? Huh?
The stuff that is going to be fixed on the servicing mission is not what broke. What broke was the thingie that communicates to and from the instruments. The servicing mission will put in 2 new instruments, attempt to fix 2 others, replace batteries, gyros, a sensor and install new insulation. Oh, and hang a grabber thing on it for when the time comes to deorbit it.
Doesn't matter if they do all that and can't talk to the instruments.
Astronauts spend years practicing the maneuvers (screwdrivers in space are a pain in the ass.) They can't just shove the replacement part under someone's seat on the shuttle and pop it in when they get there, unfortunately.
ION, Junk Foods That I Think Have Crack In Them:
McD's Fries
McD's Fries
brain went straight to FCM. I've known you all too long.
ION, Junk Foods That I Think Have Crack In Them:
McD's Fries
I'm pretty sure crack has Mc Donald's fries in it.
F: Malteasers
C: M&Ms
M: McDonalds' Fries
I'm a space geek too, but more of the 60s variety.
We went to an astronomy program last night, and because the weather was so perfect (cloudless, virtually no humidity), we saw a shitload of stars (and one planet): Jupiter and 3 of its moons; the M13 globular cluster in Hercules; the M11 open cluster (called "Flying Duck"); the double star Albireo; a double-double star that I'm almost sure was Epsilon Lyrae (I can't remember for sure); Lyra; Vega (within Lyra); the M57 ring nebula within Lyra (it looked like a green donut!); and Andromeda.
One of the volunteers, while pointing out Arcturus with the naked eye, told us how the light from the star was used to activate the lights of the 1933 World's Fair, which is pretty fucking cool.
The observatory has, among other telescopes, a Clark telescope that's over 100 years old.
So there are too many smart women who cannot find mates? In theory this would eventually be a self-correcting problem. In the short term I suppose there are three solutions, make fewer smart, ambitious women, make more smart, ambitious men, or more gay women.
Gud, you truly are an evil genius.
We're also a space geek family. Isaac's fascination with all things outer space has been going on for about a year now. He's still my Rocket Boy.
Death to Microsoft Word.
I endorse this statement. (Fuck off, .docx format. Just FUCK OFF.)