Talking how you hate your cow-orker the Vice President, wondering what Speaker Pelosi would look like in a corset, and complaining about how the White Chef chef puts cilantro in everything?
More or less. Except I don't really want to think about Nancy Pelosi in a corset!
No, she's not bad-looking, but not really the type.
Who knows? She is from San Francisco after all.
We could probably rule by committee pretty well.
Oh, yeah. Can you picture President Jesse lecturing Congress? "You're going to just need to work it out in the thread. Don't make me Marcie your asses." And press conferences. "I've consulted with
Gang of Fourteen and we are in agreement: national F2F will be in Miami. Book early - rooms are going to be a bitch. Also: am not cowgirl. That is all."
Got my vote.
For those who have access to an over-50 person who gets AARP magazine--Hubby joined when got a look at the discounts (he's much like my father, who was giddy at the idea of all the senior discounts he could get)--there's an interesting voter's guide. They put together position statements on various AARP issues and presented them to McCain and Obama with an option to mark Support/Do Not Support and to give a brief statement. I didn't read the statements, but McCain declined to mark Support/Do Not Support on anything, and Obama supported all of them except for one on which he didn't mark either. With Obama, you can think "Oh, he didn't want to say he doesn't support us," but at least you have to give him the benefit of the doubt that he must have thought about it rather than he forgot to check that one. McCain's dismissal of the Support/Do Not Support just smacks of "Here's my handout of doublespeak on these subjects."
We could probably rule by committee pretty well.
As long as we tabled all discussion of muffalettas, preferential voting, and serial commas upon taking office.
Talking how you hate your cow-orker the Vice President, wondering what Speaker Pelosi would look like in a corset, and complaining about how the White Chef chef puts cilantro in everything?
And that is funny because it is true.
We could probably rule by committee pretty well.
Um. Were you here for the first voting discussions?
"I've consulted with my Gang of Fourteen and we are in agreement: national F2F will be in Miami. Book early - rooms are going to be a bitch. Also: am not cowgirl. That is all."
I am actually picturing President Jesse speaking to Congress IN the cowgirl costume.
How quickly could President Jesse get Buffista academy up and running? This would be of national importance.