I'm working on a theory that people like W and Palin
they know that they're phonies. They see in them the same things that they see in themselves -- that they're just faking it -- they don't really believe the things that their church and community require them to say.
It's just a theory, I haven't really developed it.
Are they living in the same country now?!?!
They are. But not in the same town.
Teppy and others - yeah ideally I'd like Brainiac 5 (the good one from the future). But failing that I'd like a bright well intentioned person rather than a stupid malignant one. Teppy if the choice is you or Obama, OK you prefer Obama. But what if the choice was you or Bush? Or you or McCain? Or you or Palin? (On the other side of this argument, Noam Chomsky was once asked the first thing he'd do if elected president. His reply: "I'd shoot myself".)
Home stretch. Dear god, this is crazy. I can do this. I swear I can do this. I need a shower. And lunch. And maybe more smokes. I have to put teh towels in the laundry. Finish this chapter and get to the next. And then it will be done.
Send karma this way.
I don't know that I would have done a better job than Bush, frankly, because I would have spent all my time avoiding work with you people!
King Log would have been better than King Stork.
We could probably rule by committee pretty well.
The SEC standings [link] show the real extent of the approach of the apocalypse.
I dunno. Alabama is #1 in the western division as is right and proper.
I don't know that I would have done a better job than Bush, frankly, because I would have spent all my time avoiding work with you people!
Talking how you hate your cow-orker the Vice President, wondering what Speaker Pelosi would look like in a corset, and complaining about how the White Chef chef puts cilantro in everything?
I had dinner with Ginger last night and there were muffalettas on the menu. We both confessed to feeling somehow obligated to order one. (Both had olive salad.)