Oh, and more adventures from living in North Florida. My best friend was practically frothing at the mouth yesterday-- over the summer, a neighborhood boy her son plays with (who attends Catholic school) was basically proselytizing at the pool-- telling my friend's son how abortion was murder. Eleven years old. So A had to have the talk with her son about what abortion was and how different people believe different things about it, but that it wasn't murder. Things settled down,
So now yesterday, the boy's sister, who is nine, was telling A's eight year-old daughter that she was voting for McCain because Obama encouraged women to murder babies while they were still in their mommy's bellies.
So A finally called her and said, "Look, this is what your kids have been saying to mine and while I respect that you have your views and that they're based in your faith, I'd really appreciate it if you asked them not to discuss such things with my kids."
To which the mom responded, "But it's true!"
A: "No, actually, it's not. But that's besides the point. I said I respected your viewpoint, even if I don't agree with it, now I'm asking for the same respect in return. I would simply prefer to be the one to choose when to tell my eight and eleven year-old children about choices such as abortion and what might lead a woman to make such a choice."
The joys of living in such a red corner of the state. *sigh*
I swear, if I was a woman in high political office in this country, regardless of party, I'd be planning to make Sarah Palin disappear. Some of those women, they know how to dispose of bodies, I'm sure.
While the woman herself is blatantly unqualified, I'd bet that the Secret Service agents assigned to protect her are not. (Hey! There's one government department Bush didn't fill with incompetent cronies! What a coincidence...) Better if they make her disappear in a metaphorical, washed-up-career sense.
And yet... so many women in this country "relate to her." And that this is what the rest of the world is seeing-- that this incoherent yahoo is who a major party chooses to potentially be one heartbeat away from the highest office in the land. It makes me want to absolutely weep.
I honestly don't think that Palin, when the votes are tallied, will have have garnered McCain any votes he didn't already have sewn up. I don't think that undecided voters are swinging her way, because she's IGNANT. I don't think that disenchanted Hillary voters are willing to vote for a candidate who has only ONE thing in common with them -- having a factory-installed vagina.
The people who "relate to her" were already going to vote for the creepy old guy anyway. I'm sure of it.
Someone is driving slowly around our neighborhood and just parked on our cul-de-sac for twenty minutes. They're Sunday morning driving around looking at real estate, right? Not crazed stalkers who are casing my house and are going to load up my instruments and dog in their white SUV?
Okay, good.
Remember what we were saying about "end times" yesterday?
Check out Nos. 19 and 23
No, this isn't a basketball poll
I'm not sure we would have ever seen the day when my husband's alma mater was in the football poll and mine wasn't.
The people who "relate to her" were already going to vote for the creepy old guy anyway. I'm sure of it.
Yeah, but it's just disheartening how many there are. That once it became clear how utterly unprepared and basically, useless she was, that instead of backing away and hissing, women were going "Oh, she's just darling-- she'll be fine. They're just trying to trip her up, those media meanies."
Or it could be that I'm depressed because more Old Shit and Twit signs have mushroomed in my neighborhood in the past week.
Some moron on my local moms message board tried the "Palin has more experience than Obama" line this week, as well as basically saying, "Obama has only voted 'prsent' while in the Senate" so he's not that impressive. I hate feeling like I want to eviscerate someone.
I can't see how someone could logically look at her resume and think that she could do the job. I swear, it's scary.
Somehow, my two conflicting social plans both fell thorugh today. I am also exhausted and PMSing today, so all plans requiring me to to put on outdoor pants have been put in the fail! pile. Tonight possible tropical storm. A blah day all around.
Yesterday great however, my friend got married (Christine to the four Buffistas that met her.) and because her caterer fell through a week ago, I ended up helping out with getting the food together. (Just plating and heating up prepared things.) The wedding itself was lovely, at an Old Mill, and with a bluegrass band present. Highlight of the ceremony, as the bride pulled up in the car, the band started playing a bluegrass version of the Imperial theme from Star Wars. At the bride's request. Hysterical!
Christine to the four Buffistas that met her.
Me! Right? Congrats to her!