Wait, the Buffista cookbook has a recipe for Dutch Babies/German pancakes? Oh yaaaaay! (Or perhaps oh dear, because I probably should not make them very often ...)
Question for the cooking hive mind: I have a small cast iron pan that I have no idea where it came from. (I'm serious. I don't remember purchasing it or being given it, and it's sitting in a box full of random stuff in the basement.) Would it be safe to use? If so, how do I go about cleaning and prepping it? I have this vague notion of needing to coat the inside with oil and putting it on a hot burner, but I don't know if that's true, or if it's just some wacky thing my brain made up.
Jilli, here's a site that tells you what to do- basically, you wash it in hot soapy water, grease it up with Crisco and put it in a low oven.
Jilli, you've remembered right, you should clean and season the pan. Google found me this [link] . See also the info at Wikipedia: [link]
I inherited a 10-inch skillet from my grandmother. She got it from her mother-in-law, who received it new as a wedding present in 1894. It's what I use whenever I am in the mood for cornbread.
Sophia, your tag is cracking me up "Cats to become a rabbit should gather immediately now here"
What is it from? It made me think of Mikeyway's cat.
Yay! Thank you Nora and dcp!
Trudy, I think it was a Japanese site with costumes for animals that was linked a few years back. Pretty hysterical.
OMG, Trudy! Is that Bunny Marie?!
Happy, happy, happy birthday to Nicole! With cake and hugs and love!
That IS Bunny Marie.
I am alarmed that we know the names of the pets of the guys in the band we like.
Oooh! I met Frank's chihuahua!
Brenda is right-- I have had that tag ever since it was linked.
And Bunny is almost my favorite band pet, but I am also fond of Dylan and Clover (Jon Walker's cat's) and little Rigby Wentz.
Also, you met Frank's Chihuahua!?! Was it fat like his other dogs (Mama?)