For Pete, and Jilli and other fine appreciators of beautiful illustration and the macabre: The 1885 Calendrier Magique.
Colored Lithographs by Manuel Orazi. A rare piece of occultist ephemera, printed in an edition of 777 copies to commemorate magic for the coming year of 1896. Each double page spread mimics the Christian calendar in some respect (name days, iconography). The document is at once a spoof and an attempt to chart the year of magic. Its surviving interest resides in the extravagant and compelling illustrations, especially the full-page right hand plates, by Manuel Orazi.
Well, I tried yesterday and today to early vote, but the lines were insane, and outside the building. I'll vote when the line can at least be contained by the building, or wait for the big party long line on election day.
Long lines? To vote? All I can think is
:: please be Obama votes please be Obama votes... ::
:: please be Obama votes please be Obama votes... ::
Well, if the stereotype profile fits, then you betcha they were Obama voters. The library that has the early voting near me is in a predominantly black area. Most of the lines I saw on the news were black voters too. The radio stations have been loudly encouraging early voting. The black announcers on the stations that my kids listen to have been particularly vocal in reminding people that Florida is a swing state and we have to actually vote to make the polling numbers count.
It won't make up for our disgraceful election shenanigans in the past, but I will be so relieved if we get it right this time. (and I won't have to hear all the shit from my NY Democratic family members)
For Pete, and Jilli and other fine appreciators of beautiful illustration and the macabre:
That's fascinating. Shame there's not an easier way to view them all at full size. 4 clicks just to get to one image at a moderate viewing size does not make Pete a happy boy.
ION, BMI is indeed complete shit. Professionals who use it anger me because I consider them lazy fucks who think a one-size-fits-all mathematical calculation is somehow an acceptable substitute for actually communicating with their patients.
At Em's last checkup, they calculated her BMI. I'm switching pediatricians.
Hi Aims.
That is fucking wrong. Feel free to kneecap the pediatricians on your way out.
At Em's last checkup, they calculated her BMI. I'm switching pediatricians.
Jesus H.-- I'm, I'm...
I'm with Pete. Kneecap the motherfuckers.
That flickr set is very interesting. I did think the underweight girls looked "too skinny" but I see how crazy it is to say a girl is overweight just because she's curvy. This cutie pie is by far my favorite.
I got up to take a very happy puppy for a walk instead of staying in bed to watch Ben Bailey. I told myself I'd go for an hour or whenever I got tired. We were back in almost exactly 30 minutes. But that's still 30 minutes more exercise than I got yesterday.