For Pete, and Jilli and other fine appreciators of beautiful illustration and the macabre:
That's fascinating. Shame there's not an easier way to view them all at full size. 4 clicks just to get to one image at a moderate viewing size does not make Pete a happy boy.
ION, BMI is indeed complete shit. Professionals who use it anger me because I consider them lazy fucks who think a one-size-fits-all mathematical calculation is somehow an acceptable substitute for actually communicating with their patients.
At Em's last checkup, they calculated her BMI. I'm switching pediatricians.
Hi Aims.
That is fucking wrong. Feel free to kneecap the pediatricians on your way out.
At Em's last checkup, they calculated her BMI. I'm switching pediatricians.
Jesus H.-- I'm, I'm...
I'm with Pete. Kneecap the motherfuckers.
That flickr set is very interesting. I did think the underweight girls looked "too skinny" but I see how crazy it is to say a girl is overweight just because she's curvy. This cutie pie is by far my favorite.
I got up to take a very happy puppy for a walk instead of staying in bed to watch Ben Bailey. I told myself I'd go for an hour or whenever I got tired. We were back in almost exactly 30 minutes. But that's still 30 minutes more exercise than I got yesterday.
Hey Pete. How's it goin'?
I almost did. Kneecap them, that is. I've been very fortunate that I've not had a doctor of mine do the BMI on me, or at least I've not had one that told me they did and what it is. I had to calculate my own for Bio a couple of weeks ago and under the question, "What does your BMI score tell you?" I wrote, "It tells me that the BMI is NOT a reliable indicator of general, overall health. Furthermore, it tells me that it uses antiquated and unrealistic weight standards that were established 50+ years ago and should be adjusted for inflation, if you will."
I got full points.
At Em's last checkup, they calculated her BMI. I'm switching pediatricians.
Okay, that's fucking INSANE. I will (grudgingly) say that the BMI is "valid" in adults, where "validity" means that adults have stopped growing and therefore at least their height is static.
There is absolutely, utterly, 100% NO way that the BMI can be valid in kids, who are still growing ("growth spurt," anyone) and still developing muscle mass, etc.
Not to mention that slapping a BMI on a young girl is a perfect way to launch her merrily down the road to a lifetime of eating disorders. You know the "best" way to beat the BMI? Don't build muscle mass, because it weighs more than fat. You know what a lack of muscle mass will do to you down the road? Oh, osteoporosis, osteopenia, balance disorders, etc., etc.
It's GREAT to lay the foundation for a lifetime of poor health by labelling a 5-year-old (or is she 4?) with a BMI.
Wow, I would be a SUCK parent, because I'd be killing motherfuckers left and right who messed with my kid, and I don't think that effective parenting can take place when the parent is in a jail cell.
Furthermore, it tells me that it uses antiquated and unrealistic weight standards that were established 50+ years ago and should be adjusted for inflation, if you will.
The BMI cutoffs were adjusted- downward. So immediately, millions of people who *were* normal were overweight without gaining a pound, and those who *were* overweight became obese. Then everyone looked at that jump and went "WTFBBQ OBESITY CRISIS!!!!!"
or is she 4?
She's 3!! She won't be 4 until end of November!!