today I've been adapting Roald Dahl poems and children's books to be used for radio dramas.
Oh, how fun! Kids come to school on Thursday here. Cue heartfelft groan.
No, actually, I am looking forward to meeting them. I'll be interesting -- I had 3 years of street cred built up, and I'm waiting to see if at the new school, it's like dollars to Euros, or vice versa.
Wasn't me! I thought you were awesome and wanted to spend more time with you.
Wasn't me either! What Hec said.
Grump. I put a document from work on my thumb drive to finish at home, and DUH. Forgot to save it as .doc instead of .docx.
I think that means bedtime for me. G'night, my darlings.
Wasn't me either! What Hec said.
Now that Cass has fessed up, I'm all good.
You smelled funny.
::throws out bottle of expensive French perfume bought at bargain price on street corner::
Talk about taking one for the team...
4'10" here, and never deprived of nutrients. Just short.
I'm not saying all people not tall would be, just seems vast majority of female gymnasts are small. Maybe my conspiracy raddled brain is working too hard. Not enough sleep. Needs more food. Watch less TV. All of the above.
Ima shut up now.
Well, yes, but if they'd grown significantly, they'd have washed out of the sport before you got to know them as gymnasts.
Yeah. Kind of like basketball players are tall. It's an asset for the sport.
And Natter's favorite gymnast, Svetlana Khorkina, is about 5'5".
Why is smaller good for gymnastics? I'm sure there are physics reasons, but I don't know what they are.
When gymnasts hit puberty, it throws off their center of balance, which then screws with all the flipping and such they have to do. They have to relearn everything.
Such is my understanding... Kat would know more.