You're like the anti-Golddigger, getting breast reduction surgery and then engaged.
Ha! Not that I recommend it, but if someone needed proof that a man was in it for the long haul, having him nurse you back to health after having your boobs cut off is definitely one way to go about that.
I still owe you a drink or something for your b-day.
Pshaw. You owe me nothing. Hello! You gave me birthday moving boxes. We're good. I just want your kiss... I mean time.
Thank you all for the congrats!
Sail, I just went back and checked out that pic of Alexia and she looks amazing in that pic. Wow!
Holy crap! Nicole, that's wonderful news. I'm so happy for you!
Trudy, ~ma to both families and extra-healing ~ma for the little boy.
I feel like there should be a space between these. I was sitting here wondering if DF was some sort of nickname like TCG for sj. Woot! for you and Mike, Nicole! He is a supremely lucky guy.
House-ma for both you and Suzi.
Yay Nicole!
All the house~ma in the world for you and SuziQ.
thanks for the ~ma everyone. hahahaha. Turns out, they decided to hold the announcement until tomorrow... or sometime this week. This is cruel, but we will keep thinking positive, non-stabby thoughts. And tomorrow I get to go for lots of fun tests in addition (because, still no idea what's going on, except it is still going on. Hoping for a good outcome and easy fixes.) .... I'm willing to bet stress has a hand in it, though.
Happy birthday Cashmere!
Happy birthday Megan!
Happy birthday Matt!
Congrats, Nicole!
Double house~ma heading out.
Happy birthday to Cashmere, Megan, and Matt! What a great day!
I am in class dying of boredom. Send chocolate. And caffeine.
Oh, many happy returns to Matt, Megan, and Cashmere! I hope everyone is treating you like rock stars today.
I am in class dying of boredom. Send chocolate. And caffeine.
I think I'm going to get some chocolate and caffeine right now!
::stuffs cappucino flavored Pocky into interpipe for Glam::
Gah. How am I going to get through the next 28 minutes without dying?
(Not by working, I can tell you that much.)
That sounds sooo good, Hec! I may need a scoop of ice cream at the break...
So, $398 is crazy money for spaying a cat, right? Yeah, I thought so. My vet has pissed me off with this and the fact that she(unintentionally) had me wait until Momo was actually in heat before spaying her. Grrrrr...