Yay Nicole!
All the house~ma in the world for you and SuziQ.
thanks for the ~ma everyone. hahahaha. Turns out, they decided to hold the announcement until tomorrow... or sometime this week. This is cruel, but we will keep thinking positive, non-stabby thoughts. And tomorrow I get to go for lots of fun tests in addition (because, still no idea what's going on, except it is still going on. Hoping for a good outcome and easy fixes.) .... I'm willing to bet stress has a hand in it, though.
Happy birthday Cashmere!
Happy birthday Megan!
Happy birthday Matt!
Congrats, Nicole!
Double house~ma heading out.
Happy birthday to Cashmere, Megan, and Matt! What a great day!
I am in class dying of boredom. Send chocolate. And caffeine.
Oh, many happy returns to Matt, Megan, and Cashmere! I hope everyone is treating you like rock stars today.
I am in class dying of boredom. Send chocolate. And caffeine.
I think I'm going to get some chocolate and caffeine right now!
::stuffs cappucino flavored Pocky into interpipe for Glam::
Gah. How am I going to get through the next 28 minutes without dying?
(Not by working, I can tell you that much.)
That sounds sooo good, Hec! I may need a scoop of ice cream at the break...
So, $398 is crazy money for spaying a cat, right? Yeah, I thought so. My vet has pissed me off with this and the fact that she(unintentionally) had me wait until Momo was actually in heat before spaying her. Grrrrr...
So, $398 is crazy money for spaying a cat, right?
Won't the Humane Society do it for two nickels and a box of paper clips?
I think it's a little more than that, Hec, but still considerably cheaper than what GC's vet is asking for.
Yeah, vet is very short-sighted because we are now looking for a new vet for our 3 cats. If they charge that much for a routine procedure, what might we encounter with an actual illness? I don't want to find out.
The thing is, spaying and neutering are generally very heavily subsidized either by orgs like the Humane Society or by vets themselves. I'm guessing price GC's vet is quoting is not out of line considering you are talking about surgery. Or it wouldn't be if it were just about any other kind of surgery.
So I guess I'm saying it might not be an indicator that other things are way overpriced. But I certainly wouldn't have it done there. And it would give me qualms about staying with that vet, I won't lie, even though that might not really be fair.