loan ~ma sj.
today is a non-pseudo-part-time-job day. Meaning that I was not supposed to spend all morning stopping something ridiculously bad for business from happening because one person has a hair up her nose. And is getting shirty. And yet? I wrote a remarkably good set of emails that skipped right over the hair and the shirty and dealt with the fact that she is (A) factually wrong like a wrong thing and (B) not familiar with the actual business processes she wants us to change so that she doesn't have to cross-check data (which is her job). So wasn't supposed to be doing that today.
I took a break and mowed the lawn with the push mower and now must open up my pseudo-part-time email to deal with the rest of the conflict. Because in the meantime, she has decided to go over me to ask my assistant to do what I've already said won't happen.
no. this isn't the same person who was complaining about "orphan" data last week.
don't. want. to. open. email.
I love my consulting clients so much right now.
It's not the battery. Waiting for the tow truck now. Cheap-fix-ma, please.
MM, that went to Friday's KB.
Try refreshing. I may have jumped the gun by a couple seconds.
"I flew airplanes! Wheeee!"
::polishes all her shiny sevens::
Happy birthday, Ellen! I hope you get everywhere you want to go.
Taz~ma to Taz and health~ma to Shir.
The presentation yesterday morning went surprisingly well, all things considered. I have my fingers crossed that he will continue to be reasonable, as I still can't seem to fix the broken bits.
{{{Nora}}} Health~ma to Taz.
Health~ma to Shir.
Car~ma, sj.
Happy birthday oh sailiest of Sails!!!
Kitty~ma to Taz and health~ma to Shir.
Hi, all! I am actually "teaching" right now. My wonderful group of 6th graders are working on their puppet shows and I mean really working. Love them.
And, it's good because I am plum tuckered out. Had a whirlwind trip to Memphis for the weekend, got back home at midnight on Sunday and don't feel like I've caught up to myself yet.
And, today, I lost my plan because I emergency subbed for someone. It doesn't happen often, so it's okay. I'm just run down.