Happy birthday, Ellen! I hope you get everywhere you want to go.
Taz~ma to Taz and health~ma to Shir.
The presentation yesterday morning went surprisingly well, all things considered. I have my fingers crossed that he will continue to be reasonable, as I still can't seem to fix the broken bits.
{{{Nora}}} Health~ma to Taz.
Health~ma to Shir.
Car~ma, sj.
Happy birthday oh sailiest of Sails!!!
Kitty~ma to Taz and health~ma to Shir.
Hi, all! I am actually "teaching" right now. My wonderful group of 6th graders are working on their puppet shows and I mean really working. Love them.
And, it's good because I am plum tuckered out. Had a whirlwind trip to Memphis for the weekend, got back home at midnight on Sunday and don't feel like I've caught up to myself yet.
And, today, I lost my plan because I emergency subbed for someone. It doesn't happen often, so it's okay. I'm just run down.
I still don't know what's wrong with the car, but the mechanics were nice enough to have someone bring me home and offered to have someone pick me up later if the car is ready. So I'm home, and TCG has a late meeting and probably won't be home until late tonight.
Holy Mother of God!
The evil . . . it burns . . .
OMG Connie. That is......special.
All those who agree I need this t-shirt raise your hand!!!
Eh, not a big fan of the co-ed naked shirt. Although it would match my co-ed naked hockey t-shirt.