Blah. I thought I was doing well this morning. Showed and dressed nice to go to a customer site. Was ready to roll on time with my second school run. When I noticed the water all over my bedroom floor. Bobby used my shower and it wasn't draining well, but the water above his ankles didn't bother him. Except it was apparently above the solid grout line and flooded my closet and bedroom. So I take off my nice blouse and start throwing towels all over and bail water like mad. And I am drenched with sweat. Bobby has now missed the bus and will need a ride to school. I had 2 boxes of clothes that will likely never ever fit me again, sorta of my hope chest; they are soaked and now tossed out on the back patio. And after I finish the bailing and such and twist up my soaked hair I look for my pretty blouse. Yes, the dog has climbed up on the bed and used it as her very own blankee.
Again, I say blah. Is it too early for wine?
But the Cubbies in post season!!
Root for the Cubs. Add to the sense that the apocalypse is at hand.
I feel weird when I'm called Mrs. Pollak, even after sixteen years.
Thats Reason #1 I could never change my name if I got married. It would just. be. too. weird.
Palin said she was looking forward to meeting Biden, adding that she'd "been hearing about his Senate speeches since I was in, like, second grade."
Okay, wow, that's not even clueless, that's just bitchy. SHUT IT, PALIN.
Though I then got curious and checked Wikipedia to see how old Joe Biden actually is, and I can't believe he's only six years younger than McCain. From both men's appearance and demeanor and way of talking and, well, everything, I'd've guessed a much bigger gap.
And there's the whole five years being tortured thing.
Age is funny though. Last night I saw Equus and Richard Griffiths seems WAY older than my Mom but there is only a years difference. And its not as if my Mom has vigorous health and a cushy life -- why she looks so young is just good genes.
SPP, if you went to Equus last night, it is not Richard Griffiths that we expect to hear about from you!
Someone please save me from students doing their assignments at the last minute...
Palin said she was looking forward to meeting Biden, adding that she'd "been hearing about his Senate speeches since I was in, like, second grade."
I heard that on the news and almost burned dinner, due to the staring at the screen dumbfounded. Ya, wait to point out your inexperience and pettyness. Maybe the secondary reason for picking her is a Qualye-ism. As in "don't shoot me, or you get her for President" type of life insurance.
I dunno. What I do know is, my head is full of morning gronk, and I really hope my assistant is feeling better today and will show up on time and ready to work.
Have a happy Thursday y'all!
Does Aimee know you were there last night?
And there's the whole five years being tortured thing.
And there is the whole cancer survivor thing. And the strong suspicion that Johnny Drama has other medical problems he's not talking about.
And there's the whole five years being tortured thing.
Am I the only one who thinks "Manchurian Candidate" !?!
And there is the whole cancer survivor thing. And the strong suspicion that Johnny Drama has other medical problems he's not talking about.
But they keep showing his mother, who is like 200 years old. Nothing to worry about. He will grow up to be just as old as she is. So it's ok to vote for him. He won't die in office. Really. He promises!
not here. heading for shower. really.