And there's the whole five years being tortured thing.
Am I the only one who thinks "Manchurian Candidate" !?!
And there is the whole cancer survivor thing. And the strong suspicion that Johnny Drama has other medical problems he's not talking about.
But they keep showing his mother, who is like 200 years old. Nothing to worry about. He will grow up to be just as old as she is. So it's ok to vote for him. He won't die in office. Really. He promises!
not here. heading for shower. really.
SPP, if you went to Equus last night, it is not Richard Griffiths that we expect to hear about from you!
scene is exceedingly sad. It's painful to watch. He does an amazing job, really.
I can't imagine the part would be as effective with a young-looking twentysomething and I can't imagine there are many teenagers who can play it well.
The entire production is beautiful. So often surreal staging just makes for a trippy experience (which I actually enjoy), but in this case the men as horses and everything else just served to make the actors experiences seem very very real. Like I said, it was painful.
In re McCain - did anyone see where, in reply to the Obama ad that McCain's never sent an e-mail, someone in his campaign said that he couldn't use a computer because of a war wound? WTF
And Palin ... I'm tempted to watch, but I really don't want to have to buy a new TV after throwing something through the screen. I'm afraid she's adopted the Republican strategy of a smirk and a lie will get you through anything. sigh.
Todd, I'm not too sure what you are referring to, but I have heard that McCain's one arm doesn't work well due to an injury sustained when he was in the Navy (not sure if it was one of his many crashes or the POW thing).
Does Aimee know you were there last night?
I did, and am accepting donations to fund my NYC Stalking Trip.
Fund a criminal! Send me to NYC!
Speaking of, Emily, do you need me to chat with your student?
Only if you're willing for your head to explode. This is the same one that thought illegal immigrants should be shot as terrorists.
You know, it makes me feel anachronistic, but I really appreciate it.
Erin, me too. Some of the kids here say "ma'am," and it always makes me a little more kindly inclined toward them. It may not actually denote respect, but it sure feels like it.
I used to think -- before I taught high school -- that this was perfectly right and reasonable, but I have completely changed my mind.
WORD. And I DID call my teachers by their first name, all the way from third grade through college. But I let students call me by my first name when I was doing my classroom assisting, and I will never make that mistake again.
Fund a criminal!
I thought that's what the bailout plan was for.
That's what I'm talking about. Bailing me out!
oh, jeez, Aims ... what've you done now?
It's what I *could* do if I get to NYC.