the talk of salmon skin is just creeping my shit out.
But...I mean, granted, my sense of 'normal' has changed a fair bit wrt food since living here*, but
you guys
have pork rinds, right? This is only like pork rinds - but prettier, more delicate, and salmon-flavoured! The Cat Daniel went into miowing hysteria when I opened a bag of the things...but he was most disconcerted by the spicy coating, when I gave him a bit to try. (He adores the little crunchy anchovies - which are surprisingly not particularly salty - not SALTSALTSALT the way that wet anchovies normally are, just potato crisp level salty.)
Anyway, that aside - yay Daniel! Excellent boyfriending skills, that man!
*Mind you, I'm not prepared to try crunchy fried insects. Even though I know it's only like smaller versions of prawns. I already find prawns and lobster disconcerting [yummy, but disconcerting] because they're basically giant bugs, so bug-sized bugs...yeah. Not so much
AH. For some reason I thought it shipped on the 6th.
Once upon a time, it was to ship on the 22nd.
Then the 29th.
Then the 6th.
Now it's the 8th.
The extensions are due to external-to-the-company issues, mainly as a result of Kraxy Pa--y (who got fired)royally screwing up the project that came right before this one. So we all had to take an extra 4-5 weeks cleaning up after her gigantic mess and shipping that project before we could turn our attention 100% to this one. So we missed the window of availability for our already-scheduled (external) auditors. They were only available in the past week or so.
But it's really okay. My team is kicking ass, and we have the whole company behind us. I am tiring of the 16+ hour days (I am in the office right now) but I know they'll be over soon. There is simply so damned much to do.
I am really hoping to get a promotion to director soon; considering that I started brand new in this industry in Summer of 2004 (as an admin--talk about starting all over!), that's not too shabby.
We will have to go out after it ships, which I hope is the 8th, for your sake.
And have many, many gimlets?
I am closing up shop now and heading home. I am a little nervous about walking out to the parking lot. Oh, well.
I'm going to hold onto the job~ma for DH for a while longer. They know some things that are coming, but not others... it will be a few more weeks until the other shoe drops.
Dude, the crunchy salmon skins sound AWESOME. I wish we had them here. (envies access to non-Western approach to food)
Sorry about the limbo-age, Sox. But at least he's still employed for the moment?
I just ate a new Au Bon Pain bagel flavor- apple cheddar. It was pretty yum.
But at least he's still employed for the moment?
Yes. We are very grateful for that. Thanks Nora!
And have many, many gimlets?
Yes, if I can help it.
I am a little nervous about walking out to the parking lot.
javachik, I hope you are okay. There has been a crime spike lately, so I worry. If you want M to teach you some self-defense, he'd be happy to.
javachik, I hope you are okay. There has been a crime spike lately, so I worry. If you want M to teach you some self-defense, he'd be happy to.
Are there no security guards in your building? If there are, they are likely quite willing to, and possibly expected to walk you out to your car as part of their job duties. Even for those of us who know some moves, it is better to prevent the bad guys from having opportunities than it is to have a chance to show them how wrong they are in deeming us good victim material. If this is not a resource that is currently available, you should bring it up with the powers that be at your company.
I fail as an adult. Again. Mom came over today so that she could drive me around while the car was getting fixed and managed to unjam the door in 5 seconds.