javachik, I hope you are okay. There has been a crime spike lately, so I worry. If you want M to teach you some self-defense, he'd be happy to.
Are there no security guards in your building? If there are, they are likely quite willing to, and possibly expected to walk you out to your car as part of their job duties. Even for those of us who know some moves, it is better to prevent the bad guys from having opportunities than it is to have a chance to show them how wrong they are in deeming us good victim material. If this is not a resource that is currently available, you should bring it up with the powers that be at your company.
I fail as an adult. Again. Mom came over today so that she could drive me around while the car was getting fixed and managed to unjam the door in 5 seconds.
Don't worry, sj. It's more common than you think.
Yeah, but who's to say it's going to stay unjammed. Better to have a mechanic look at it to make sure it's not something that's going to happen again. You don't fail as an adult, sj. Sometimes, we just don't figure things out. You've been under the weather and that's always when anything more ocmplicated than plugging in a power cord seems totally incomprehensible. No dissing on the sj!
Skippy mcSkipperson here.
I am closing up shop now and heading home. I am a little nervous about walking out to the parking lot. Oh, well.
javachik, if you're staying late and there's no one there, could you maybe move your car really close to the entrance while it's still light? I also agree w/ asking a security guard to walk you, if you have one. Or at least watch you walk to your car.
sj, I once had the door mechanism break--the latch piece literally broke off so I had to bungee cord the thing shut (on a long drive from Ohio to Indiana), I also had the key jam in the ignition so I had to leave the car running for 10 hours while I was at work. Fortunately, my office had a window directly out to the parking lot below so I could keep an eye on it.
Believe me, I've had embarrassing car situations that have nothing to do with being a grownup.
Have it checked, just to be sure there isn't something going on with the latch mechanism and chalk it up in the weird car experience column.
I just ate a new Au Bon Pain bagel flavor- apple cheddar.
Anyone want to join me in a chorus of "Eat a muffin, whitey?"
I want little crunchy anchovies. I wonder if I could track some down here. They sound like the anchovies in Little Szechuan restaurant's "Fried baby anchovies with peanuts and hot peppers," which I love but don't eat often since the only person who would eat them with me moved to Arizona. If I had a plate of them to myself, I would eat them all and then die of salt shock.
sj, it has nothing to do with being an adult and everything to do with the fact that machines spend their time plotting how to make everyone feel stupid. They make funny noises until you get to the mechanic's. They refuse to work for you and then when some know-it-all says "I can fix it," they work when he does the same thing you've done a dozen times.
He told me had been on a mission to get me a whirligig, but had failed.
Awwwwwwwww. Sweet Daniel!!!!
I am closing up shop now and heading home. I am a little nervous about walking out to the parking lot. Oh, well.
do me a favor and check in on the board when you get up. I know that it's not even 7:30 PST, but we'd like to know that you escaped unscathed. And you should talk to the security people at your building now in anticipation of tonight. or any other late night.
Fay's salmon skin chip bits remind me of going to the Pagoda theater in Chinatown where they served dried cuttlefish at the snack counter.