Thanks, JZ. It's the driver door of a two door car, and I'm not physically capable of climbing in from the passenger side. So, my only two options are fix it or buy a new used car. I'm leaning toward the latter if this is going to be an expensive fix. A lot of things are starting to go on this car, and my money may be better spent on a car payment at this point.
As far as the anxiety attack goes, I'm really on edge right now. The depression isn't better and upping the dose on my meds brought back the insomnia. So, any little thing is setting me off, and today was just too many little things. I know I shouldn't be complaining when other people are going through so much more.
The depression isn't better and upping the dose on my meds brought back the insomnia.
What time are you taking the meds? I have horrible insomnia if I take mine anytime after noon, but if I remember to take them first thing in the morning it's hugely improved (I recently had to double my own dose).
You're not thoughtless, JZ. I hadn't even realized until I read what erika wrote that that is one of the reasons I'm freaking out. I can't walk to places, can't drive other peoples cars, and have a bitch of a time trying to rent one with hand controls.
I'm taking them with breakfast.
Mine is much more lie-on-the-floor-in-the-fetal-position-clutching-abdomen-and-keening-from-the-pain. Although there might be disruptive bodily functions as well.
Bugger. I still think you should go over there and keen in her no-customer-service-skills, redtaped face. Although hopefully it won't be neccesary.
Incidentally - bless you all for offering to help with the Passport to the World stuff! Alas, we've just got Brazil left to go, and a week of recapping & pulling all we've learned together, before the holidays. However, I shall keep your offers in mind...
(((sj))) mobility-ma to you, mate. And omnis, I'm gobsmacked by the whole "Hey guys, we've got a new cripple!" thing. (Although I think I'd likely have said "special arrangements" myself in those circumstances, even though not talking about cake and streamers. But I can understand you not liking the term.)
Meanwhile, on a totally different (and thoroughly shallow) note, I am delighted to have discovered a new yummy snackfood: crunchy fried salmon skin! Yay! In bags like bags of crisps, but it's salmon skin instead of slices of potato! Which is yummy [especially dusted with chili, as this is], and has 7g of fat, 12g of protein and 0g of carbs per bag! Yay! Calcium-rich chips of crunchy protein-packed, Omega-3-containing goodness! Yum!(I'm still very partial to the slivers of almonds mixed with tiny crunchy Indian anchovies, which are also very calcium-rich, and make a most satisfying crunchy snackfood, but I'm delighted with the salmon skin crisps. You could use them with dips! Yay!)
I am delighted to have discovered a new yummy snackfood: crunchy fried salmon skin! Yay! In bags like bags of crisps, but it's salmon skin instead of slices of potato! Which is yummy [especially dusted with chili, as this is], and has 7g of fat, 12g of protein and 0g of carbs per bag! Yay!
Also, when the salmon run is abundant, brown bears limit themselves to eating the skin and brains. Crunchy fried salmon skin - endorsed by bears. (Let me know if they start selling a salmon brains snack food.)
I'm craving a salmon skin sushi roll.
I think we all know who to blame.
whoa Fay, those sound scary yet tasty.
I'm craving a salmon skin sushi roll.
Clearly, you need to come visit again.