I've never dealt with ANY doctor's office where I liked the front desk staff. Something about that job just makes people unhelpful and cranky.
Dude! I had typed almost the exact thing! I feel kind of bad saying that since my mom does this type of work and I know she's great at it. Too bad they can't clone her and put her in every doctor's office.
Teppy, that sucks. The staff at my doctor's office is equally annoying. I have found the only way I can get what I need is to call and leave a message to please have my doctor call me at his convenience without giving them any information about what I need.
I've never dealt with ANY doctor's office where I liked the front desk staff. Something about that job just makes people unhelpful and cranky.
Man, Tep. I'm so sorry that your Dr.'s office sucks. The Allina clinic in MSP had awesome front desk staff, and I miss them (and my doc!) very much.
I feel obliged to note that the staff at Emmett's pediatrician are helpful, competent and accomodating.
Plus they give out whirligigs.
so I should send flowers to the staff at my doctor's office. They actually do what they say they will,and apologizes when things get crazy. I like them and feel they do a really good job under crazy circumstances.
There are nice and helpful staff at both my gyn and dentist's offices. But assy staff is one reason I left my last gyn.
I feel kind of bad saying that since my mom does this type of work and I know she's great at it.
See, and while I was typing I was thinking "Apologies in advance to the medical receptionist lurkers!" Because I'm sure it's not actually true, it just feels that way.
I've never dealt with ANY doctor's office where I liked the front desk staff. Something about that job just makes people unhelpful and cranky.
I'm sure they get really demanding/panicked/rude calls all day long. Or people who call 10 times a day in the hopes of talking to the doctor RIGHT THEN, or in the hopes of getting test results that aren't in yet. Or who want the receptionist to diagnose them right then. Or all manner of rude/inconveniencing/difficult shit. I know *I* wouldn't want to deal with it if I were them. But that's why, when I called, I gave them all the information up-front that they would need to deal with the problem. I wanted to be helpful (even though it was their screw-up); it was in *my* best interest to get a speedy outcome.
I cease to be helpful when they start treating me like I'm lying or like I'm asking for special treatment, when I was doing neither.
And they NEVER give out whirligigs.
Steph, I say you head down there and park yourself next to that woman and let the ibs kick in. And just smile and ask, "so? you wanna correct YOUR mistake now?"
What? I know it's not practical and all, but it's fun to think about.
Sean, I hope the headache is hangover related, and that it was gotten by having a good time. Somehow I doubt it was both of those, but I can hope. Continued brackets for you! Take care of yourself. We worry.
PixK, I am STILL having lingering crap from that stupid cold, so I feel your pain. But I can't help but remember you poking at my whining and reminding me you went through pneumonia. So, I poke back... BUT, also say, be careful. Dunno if that crap can resurface due to cold. I hope not. Take care of yourself. Take it easy. The version I am getting over saps energy like no tomorrow.
I can't believe that Mom in FL. OMG. Makes you wish folks had to get a license to be a parent.
As far as Guidance Counselors go, my first exposure to one at my 2nd high school totally turned me off to them. When I first moved to Carmel, a rather rural area of southern NY, we went to register at the HS, and she was assigned to me and my sister. We start signing up for classes. First she signs me up for a class I already took, but since Carmel does things in a different order than Fox Lane, rules couldn't be changed. Then, she calls the bus company up to arrange a bus with a lift, as the deep stairwell is quite difficult on the crutches. She gets on the horn and says "We have a new cripple over here at the high school, and we need to arrange special travel arrangements". Something like that. Forget the exact. But it hit on two things that irk me. Cripple. Special. I really don't care for either of those words. Well, "special" in that context. For me, it should be "we have a surprise for this special day for you!". That's cool. But "special needs" just sounds wrong.
oops. sorry. rant-off. I shouldn't have started. No time for it. Back to work.
I want whirligigs.
ETA: If we get enough of them, we can use them to beat some sense into Teppy's doc's office staff.