Happy Birthday, Nicole!!!
I spent today cleaning and organizing the apartment. I made a small dent in the clutter at least, and the bills are in a nice little pile to be dealt with tomorrow. Then we went to visit TCG's step-grandmother in the hospital. She looked great and was her usual amazing self. Tomorrow they run tests to try to find out where the internal bleeding is happening.
Tomorrow we do our other hospital visit to see J. So far it sounds like he is doing very well. He was allowed to walk around today, which I am sure made him very happy, and he may be out of the ICU as early as tomorrow. We stopped by the $100 store to get him some coloring books and crayons and a long sleeve t-shirt that pictures a puppy with devil horns and says "Little Devil". TCG and I quickly agreed that the t-shirt was screaming J's name.
I was worried you might be still consumed by S's medical needs, Sean. I hope you can soon be free of this burden in a healthy way. Much medical~ma for S, and freedom from guilt ~ma for you.
Vortex, I hope the new non-McCain supporting Vietnamese restaurant turns out to have good food, also.
I didn't know it was Nicole's b-day....
Birthday happies to you!
We stopped by the $100 store to get him some coloring books and crayons and a long sleeve t-shirt that pictures a puppy with devil horns and says "Little Devil". TCG and I quickly agreed that the t-shirt was screaming J's name.
This is me, not making smart-ass comments about inflation. It sounds like you got quite a haul for J. It's also great to hear good news about his progress, and hopeful news about TCG's grandmother being in good spirits.
You two were together a long time, Sean. Just stick with what feels right and get through it. "Would I be doing this for a good friend?" seems like a reasonable standard (and, IMHO, it seems like the one you're following). And if/when you need to pull back, pull back. Follow your very good heart.
Hang in there, Baby, anything you do is going to hurt like hell. We love you.
And, no, you won't be single forever.
Vortex, I hope the new non-McCain supporting Vietnamese restaurant turns out to have good food, also.
oh, it does. i just called the wrong place.
extra health and strength ma~~~~~ to you and get better ma~~~~ to S
I wish I could do more
Windsparrow, I was actually patting myself on the back for not spending too much on him.
vw, I meant to say earlier that your sweet gesture while driving by J's hospital last night made me all sniffly when I read about it this morning. Thank you.
Things that are unexpectedly good: going to
Tesco Lotus
to buy deodorant and brown paper (the latter for making a 'brown paper packages wrapped up in string' costume for the Singalong-a-Sound-of-Music), and finding that there are some clothes that look like they might just conceivably be Fay-sized. Nice clothes, some of them. CHEAP nice clothes. Lacking any changing rooms, afai could see, but on spec I bought a T shirt (with pirate, and less than a pound), a top, a long top/short dress and a dress that I was fairly sure would be at least one, if not two, sizes too small, possibly 3, but which I thought might be a good motivator for try-to-fit-into-this-dress weightloss goal.
The top is
and fits perfectly! The long top/short dress thing is very nice, and perfectly wearable. The T shirt is a bit tight, but okay. And the dress, while arguably at least a size too small, IS actually fit-into-able at present. And it's just lovely, and only cost about eight quid (which is, what, fifteen dollars or so?).
I am chuffed to bits!
Colour me shocked.
(er, at the risk of being States The Obvious Girl - finding clothes in my size here in Land Of The Twigs? Pretty much like finding a four-leaf-clover. With a winning lottery ticket underneath it. Finding clothes in my size
that don't cost an arm and a leg?
This would be the first time in 2-and-a-bit years.)