Things that are unexpectedly good: going to
Tesco Lotus
to buy deodorant and brown paper (the latter for making a 'brown paper packages wrapped up in string' costume for the Singalong-a-Sound-of-Music), and finding that there are some clothes that look like they might just conceivably be Fay-sized. Nice clothes, some of them. CHEAP nice clothes. Lacking any changing rooms, afai could see, but on spec I bought a T shirt (with pirate, and less than a pound), a top, a long top/short dress and a dress that I was fairly sure would be at least one, if not two, sizes too small, possibly 3, but which I thought might be a good motivator for try-to-fit-into-this-dress weightloss goal.
The top is
and fits perfectly! The long top/short dress thing is very nice, and perfectly wearable. The T shirt is a bit tight, but okay. And the dress, while arguably at least a size too small, IS actually fit-into-able at present. And it's just lovely, and only cost about eight quid (which is, what, fifteen dollars or so?).
I am chuffed to bits!
Colour me shocked.
(er, at the risk of being States The Obvious Girl - finding clothes in my size here in Land Of The Twigs? Pretty much like finding a four-leaf-clover. With a winning lottery ticket underneath it. Finding clothes in my size
that don't cost an arm and a leg?
This would be the first time in 2-and-a-bit years.)
d: xpost - javachik "Natter 61*" Sep 27, 2008 6:13:41 pm PDT
also? you are awesome. I wholeheartedly vouch for d's magic when it comes to fixing muscles and shoulders and such.
YAY Fay!!!
{{{Sean}}} You are doing so much for S and I worry not enough for yourself. Repeating the question about where S's people are.
Oh, Sean. You are such a good man. I hope you can see that--if now, somewhere in the near future. {{{Sean and S}}}
I'm brainstorming a possible career option. In the process of that brainstorming, I've discovered that there is a program at my university that would have perfectly prepared me for this career option. Why did I figure that out now, 8 months and 23 hours before graduation?
Because when you first started you were exploring your options and that one had not yet appeared on your horizon. Not to say you can't spin your resume toward that option when you're off into the wild yonder. Many courses of study can be turned in multiple directions. Particularly if you can get part-time work and/or interneships in that field now and after graduation.
Well, I'm currently working doing what I'm considering continuing doing on another level, so I can spin it. But, I'd be better prepared (for grant writing, etc.) if I'd done this other program. It just kind of cracks me up.
I'm getting ready to go out the door to work.
I would stay home, but many times Sunday is a slow day and I need that to ease back to work.
I also feel sorry for Windsparrow, we took a whole week of vacation together, and only got a little bit done.
Good luck, Daniel! Don't push yourself too hard.
Best of luck at work, Daniel.
whole week of vacation together, and only got a little bit done
Vacation is not to get things done! It's to relax and spend quality time with your SO.
Take it easy at work, today, Daniel. No relapses allowed!
I just finished reading less than 400 posts, so:
First, Sean. We don't know each other, but you have every bit of my sympathy for this really shitty situation. Take good care of yourself as well. I hope S will feel better soon.
Second, good luck Daniel! And crossing fingers for vw! And heal-fast-don't-get-sick~ma to those of us who need it.
I remember various of the songs I had, but figured I'd ask the Bitches if they have any suggestions. It's mostly cheesy stuff--I have some country songs ("Stand" by Rascall Flatts), "Fighter", by Christina Aguilera, "Stronger" by Kanye...I forget what else, I have to go through my music. Other suggestions?
My all time Twilight Singers favorite, Dead to Rights.
And fourth, even though it takes me AGES to read the posts in the threads in my message center, you are a bunch of amazing people. Strength to all.