Oh yeah, and they keep her restrained most of the time, otherwise she keeps trying to get out of bed (she always think she has to go somewhere, or I have to go somewhere, or both).
Possibly the most amusing bit I've heard yet -- one morning earlier in the week, I asked her if she'd been anywhere else (in the hospital) while I was gone, and she answered that they had put her to work throwing raw nasty garbage around during the night.
I asked her if they normally put patients to work in the hospital, and she said no. I asked her if they normally let patients handle garbage, and she said no. That's when she started to understand (briefly) that it didn't actually happen.
Damn, Sean. I hope they get those infections under control soon, you really need a break from being the strong one.
Mounds of ~ma coming to you and S.
Sean, that sounds like a horror movie. I am really sorry that you're both going through this.
Sean, I'm very sorry to hear that. It's horrific, and I can completely understand your reluctance to leave her alone. Still, though, I am concerned about the impact this is having on you. Is S's mother still there? Why is this falling on you when you broke up two months ago? The more time that passes, the more I worry that you are caught in a horrible limbo that may not break for months. You need to make room for yourself in your life, and you have to find some way to move foreward. And I'm so sorry if this is coming across as unsolicited advice and will do my best to shut up about it after I post this, but I have seen you several times in the past two weeks, and you seem incredibly fragile. I am so worried about you.
:: points @ PixK post and nods ::
{{{{{ SEAN }}}}}
Had a saga getting dinner tonight. well, first, I was supposed to leave the theatre at 5, but it seems that there was only one person there later, so I had to stay through the top of the second show -- 8:30. Ordered some dinner from what I thought was the vietnamese restaurant I liked. I get there, realize that the name is slightly different -- different number in the "Pho" part. Plus, the phone number isn't right. I get on the iphone, figure out the number of the place that I actually ordered from.(turns out that they've moved to a bigger place, and another vietnamese restuarant moved in) I call them, figure out where they are. I get to Hudson Street, can't find the restaurant. Go up to the next block, which is
Hudson Street, find the restaurant. I get to the door and . . . THERE'S A MCCAIN STICKER ON THE DOOR. I was horrified. i considered leaving, but they had my phone number. And I was hungry. I didn't tip though ;)
{{{Sean & S}}} I can't imagine how horrible stressful this has been for you, Sean. You're in my thoughts, and thanks for updating us here.