Goodness there's a lot going on.
UTI B Gone - ma for Daniel.
Speedy Quick Recovery - ma for J and calm-ma for sj.
Happy Matilda Day!
Sox, sorry you are having issues. Let me know if I can help. I have potential meeting up time tomorrow (Saturday).
They are drilling outside my building, which makes for fun happy massage time. However, I'm finished for the day so they can Bite Me. Off to see a friend I haven't seen in about 6 months.
Sox, sorry you are having issues. Let me know if I can help. I have potential meeting up time tomorrow (Saturday).
it would be wonderful to see you d! talk later this afternoon?
and this next point-of-no-return ridiculousness job event shout-out goes to many friends, including lisah, PMM, Jilli, Gud, ita, and raq, with particular x-posty to tech.
... I just got an email because some software my team wrote uses the term 'orphans' to mark events that are still on a calendar even though the 'parent' event was deleted by the end-user.
"...was drawn up short by some terminology in the program! ... I noticed the word “orphans”. What??? I checked around to see what it meant programmatically.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider changing the program to reflect “recurring*”.
apparently, the complainant's children are adopted. and "- it made my jaw drop because it hit that emotional button we all have in regard to family!"
.was drawn up short by some terminology in the program! ... I noticed the word “orphans”. What??? I checked around to see what it meant programmatically.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider changing the program to reflect “recurring*”
First of all....buh?
And second...WUH?
[And third, that reminds me - it's been a while since I checked the telestream for orphan clips. I should really get on that.]
Oh wow, happy birthday Matilda! I can hardly believe she's two, they grow so fast.
was drawn up short by some terminology in the program! ... I noticed the word “orphans”. What??? I checked around to see what it meant programmatically.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider changing the program to reflect “recurring*”
First of all....buh?
And second...WUH?
That person had better NEVER get a job in publishing, because we kill orphans (and widows) all the fucking time. It's very satisfying.
ION, I have not moved from the couch, because my guts hate me. No gym, no fixing the clothesline. But I really have to get the oil changed, so I'm going to get a shower and take some more drugs for my guts and see if that helps at all.
(Sorry for the TMI, but when my body is trying to turn itself inside-out, I get PISSED.)
Happy birthday, Matilda!
~ma to sj's peeps and Sox and whoever else needs it.
calming gut ma~~~~
health ma~~~ to TCG stepgm and Sox
I think recurring might mean something different than orphan.
Happy birthday Matilda
I think my brain is two. all it seems to be thinking is "dont wanna" and that goes for fun as well as chores.
Happy Matilda Day, baby girl!
thanks for the ~ma. I'm still fretting... and I need to step out of the office for a bit.
but the 'orphan issue' had me chained at my desk explaining what they were. And all I could do was volley it to the board. Because if you're not here, it's funny.
From Go Fug Yourself:
Pop quiz: You have tickets to Broadway's opening performance of Naked Daniel Radcliffe. You probably shouldn't be so excited, because there are horses involved, but you can't help it because little Harry Potter is all grown up now and he's pretty damn cute, and it's all legal, so everyone should just CHILL and enjoy the fine, fine acting.
Is it really, really wrong that I'm wondering if this will inspire some weird ... OK, weirder ... My Little Pony fic?