From Go Fug Yourself:
Pop quiz: You have tickets to Broadway's opening performance of Naked Daniel Radcliffe. You probably shouldn't be so excited, because there are horses involved, but you can't help it because little Harry Potter is all grown up now and he's pretty damn cute, and it's all legal, so everyone should just CHILL and enjoy the fine, fine acting.
Is it really, really wrong that I'm wondering if this will inspire some weird ... OK, weirder ... My Little Pony fic?
Okay, folks, I have about an hour to bullshit 4 pages of paper. Wish me luck!
I have sent my writing samples to the person over at HR, and the internal transfer form is on my supervisor's desk. Supervisor said he thought this would be a good move for me and that other people had requested tranfers to position that he didn't think they were right for. So it appears, possibly, that the stars may be right.
Teppy may turn out to be a prophetess yet. (I like the old fashioned term prophetess, it seems the proper usage when dealing with that sort of thing.)
xpost from beep me:
I am out of the hospital, at home sweating profusely and Windsparrow is off filling my prescriptions for Morphine pills and Cipro.
Harvey the cat is bumping into me and purring up a storm, and talking a lot.
They pumped me so full of liquids and antibiotics that I'm feeling like I slosh as I walk.
Good to hear it Daniel! The homecoming, not the sloshing.
Welcome home, Daniel! Good to know Windsparrow and Harvey are taking good care of you!
Glad you're home, Daniel!