I dropped a stereo off at Goodwill, went to the grocery store, changed the litter box and didn't leave the nasty bag of used litter that hasn't been scooped in God knows how long on Nate's bed, and had a civil conversation with my mother.
< /virtuous>
I rewarded myself with sushi and dark chocolate covered cherries.
I'm drinking some kind of herbal tea for colds that I had in my cabinet, I'm with ya, Erin! My throat doesn't hurt, but I've had a bit of a cough for a few days, and I woke up this morning and it had gotten worse. ARGH. Do Not Want.
Meanwhile: I want to make my "Unemployment Mix" (AKA "Damnit Life Sucks But I Must Remind Myself Things Will Get Better") for a friend, but since my computer crashed, I no longer actually have it as a playlist. I remember various of the songs I had, but figured I'd ask the Bitches if they have any suggestions. It's mostly cheesy stuff--I have some country songs ("Stand" by Rascall Flatts), "Fighter", by Christina Aguilera, "Stronger" by Kanye...I forget what else, I have to go through my music. Other suggestions?
But I know there's at least one song that i DON"T have any more, that the Bitches recommended after last time I was laid off--it's some kind of loud yelly song by a band I don't normally listen to, and the lyrics are something like "It's one of those days you just want to BREAK SHIT". Help?
You should have had dark-chocolate covered sushi! That would have been exciting!
Ew. No weird food jokes for me when I'm sick. I naused myself out a little. Urp.
"It's one of those days you just want to BREAK SHIT".
Limp Bizkit, "Break Stuff". Very good for the aggro. (Also, a fun video with lots of cameos.)
meara, how about 9 to 5, It's the End of the World as We KNow It (And I feel Fine), Lose Yourself (Eminem) and Stupid Girl by Pink.
DMX, "Party Up".
Y'all gonna make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here
I like TheraFlu. Lemony!
The only time I tried that stuff, it made an instant reappearance. I also have problems with Alka-Seltzer, so it might be the whole hot and/or fizzy liquid medicine that activates my gag reflex.
I second the DMX - that dude is scary. Add Killing in the Name of by Rage Against the Machine for fun aggro.
I was pretty much raised on Alka-Seltzer (much like Chris Rocks "Robotussin" skit "Got a broken arm? Rub some 'tussin on it!")
I prefer a hot drink that has my Favorite Flavor Evah - lemon-- in it to a giant pill, especially when I have a sore throat.
Hell yes!! Rage is good for anything, I think.