I'm drinking some kind of herbal tea for colds that I had in my cabinet, I'm with ya, Erin! My throat doesn't hurt, but I've had a bit of a cough for a few days, and I woke up this morning and it had gotten worse. ARGH. Do Not Want.
Meanwhile: I want to make my "Unemployment Mix" (AKA "Damnit Life Sucks But I Must Remind Myself Things Will Get Better") for a friend, but since my computer crashed, I no longer actually have it as a playlist. I remember various of the songs I had, but figured I'd ask the Bitches if they have any suggestions. It's mostly cheesy stuff--I have some country songs ("Stand" by Rascall Flatts), "Fighter", by Christina Aguilera, "Stronger" by Kanye...I forget what else, I have to go through my music. Other suggestions?
But I know there's at least one song that i DON"T have any more, that the Bitches recommended after last time I was laid off--it's some kind of loud yelly song by a band I don't normally listen to, and the lyrics are something like "It's one of those days you just want to BREAK SHIT". Help?
You should have had dark-chocolate covered sushi! That would have been exciting!
Ew. No weird food jokes for me when I'm sick. I naused myself out a little. Urp.
"It's one of those days you just want to BREAK SHIT".
Limp Bizkit, "Break Stuff". Very good for the aggro. (Also, a fun video with lots of cameos.)
meara, how about 9 to 5, It's the End of the World as We KNow It (And I feel Fine), Lose Yourself (Eminem) and Stupid Girl by Pink.
DMX, "Party Up".
Y'all gonna make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here
I like TheraFlu. Lemony!
The only time I tried that stuff, it made an instant reappearance. I also have problems with Alka-Seltzer, so it might be the whole hot and/or fizzy liquid medicine that activates my gag reflex.
I second the DMX - that dude is scary. Add Killing in the Name of by Rage Against the Machine for fun aggro.
I was pretty much raised on Alka-Seltzer (much like Chris Rocks "Robotussin" skit "Got a broken arm? Rub some 'tussin on it!")
I prefer a hot drink that has my Favorite Flavor Evah - lemon-- in it to a giant pill, especially when I have a sore throat.
Hell yes!! Rage is good for anything, I think.
"Fuck You" - Headstones
"I've Been Down" - Hank Jr.