I like the Urban Decay 24/7 liner. It does smudge after crying, but it cleans up, too.
I've been wearing it for over a year now (maybe longer), and although my penny-pinching soul quails at paying more than $5 for eyeliner, it's really, really worth it. It does. not. budge. And I say that as former Queen of Smudgy Eyeliner, since I get all hot and sweaty easily, which makes most eyeliner smudge. Not the 24/7 liner. It's a thing of beauty, and I don't begrudge them a penny of their $16.
ION, I have vegetarian shepherd's pie* in the oven, and it smells SO GOOD. It needs to be ready now.
*(Made out of vegetarian shepherds. They were a little tough to fit in the meat grinder, but the freshness makes all the difference in the end result....)
I love Peeps, but only one or two at a time. I think Circus Peanuts are nast, but the related Chicks & Rabbits are Teh Bomb. I go on a quest every Spring to stockpile those suckers.
My mom didn't allow sugary cereal at all. I generally ate either Cheerios or Corn Flakes for breakfast at home.
Same here. Honey Nut Cheerios were a special treat, and Lucky Charms were a birthday gift. Seriously.
You people are giving me a craving for Count Chocula cereal.
I found Cookie Crisp cereal on sale for $1.98 a box two weeks ago at Wal-Mart so I bought several boxes. Owen loves it.
Yeeeahhh. OWEN likes it.
Circus Peanuts are the devil. Peeps are evil but allowable.
I enjoy Peeps less now that you can get them pretty much year 'round.
We had to beg and plead like crazy to get sugar cereals and even then it didn't happen much. Though by my sister's time I think that had changed.
Faves: Lucky Charms, Captain Crunch, Frosted Flakes, in that order.
Every so often I love those circus peanuts, though objectively speaking they're kind of gross. I've never gone for the peeps though, or most other marshmallowy stuff.
"Mixologist" sounds like the kind of thing that started tongue-in-cheek, and then it became taken over by the pompous and self-important.
Mixologist is what one of the contestants on the most recent Big Brother insisted on being called. I think no more needs to be said.
I only ever buy Peeps at Easter time, for that is the True And Proper Time for consuming them. The other flavors are neat, but not neat enough to buy.
I only ever buy Peeps at Easter time, for that is the True And Proper Time for consuming them.
Every year, I can eat approximately half a Peep, and then the sticky and the mega-sweet overwhelm me. (And considering how much I love sugar, that's saying a LOT).
Although I'd like to try a gingerbread Peep at Xmas.
Shepherd's pie is finished cooking; Boy is in shower. May eat own hand soon.
Same with Cadbury Eggs. They only really taste right at Easter.
Same here. Honey Nut Cheerios were a special treat.
Oh yeah. That and Golden Grahams were about as far as we could usually push it.
Cadbury eggs always gave me the willies. No clue why. Chocolate just shouldn't have that inside of it. Peeps are good for one thing only. The Microwave Game! How big can ya get it without popping it! Fingers on the STOP button.... aaaaannnndd GO!
I wish I'd be in Houston. I'm up here in Dallas, but if you find yourself up this way I'll totally take you up on it, and right back atcha!
Well, if I’m coming, I’m doing them both, so it’s cool!
DALLAS F2F (of the mini variety!) Woot! Count me in! When?
:: please don't be during a tech week ::
ETA: omnis is up here though, and he's pretty nifty to hang out with
aw shucks, you making me blush
:: sheepish toe circles in the dirt ::
Mr. Jane has "Inebriation Specialist" on his business cards.
Love him just that much more - even though I have never met him.
I've met him, and he is made of the Awesome. Totally. I can see why DJ bagged that one. yup!
So what did I do today. Well... part of my morning included a recording session with the actors for the next show. At the end we had to record (audio mind you) the sounds of the preacher-man makin' love to his wife... and then with one of his lovers... then another of his lovers. 3 bits of sex recording I tell ya. Before that part started, the director asked to clear the room of non-essential folks, a typical move when rehearsing a nude bit in a play. I casually leaned over and asked "we are only doing audio, right?" And thankfully she took it as the joke I meant it to be and burst into laughter.
The down side of the recording session were the other bits, including a scene of a Klan meeting (and I'm not talking no kilt wearing Scotts klan either). Needless to say, the "N" word was tossed out a LOT, and with vehemency. Very unnerving. I'm not a fan of it's casual use in pop culture, but hearing it used like that, with hatred and such. Chills I say. Kudos to the actor I suppose, for selling the performance. But tech rehearsals next few weeks are going to have some uncomfortable moments, I fear.
Off to cook some pizza. I'm hungry!