Cadbury eggs always gave me the willies. No clue why. Chocolate just shouldn't have that inside of it. Peeps are good for one thing only. The Microwave Game! How big can ya get it without popping it! Fingers on the STOP button.... aaaaannnndd GO!
I wish I'd be in Houston. I'm up here in Dallas, but if you find yourself up this way I'll totally take you up on it, and right back atcha!
Well, if I’m coming, I’m doing them both, so it’s cool!
DALLAS F2F (of the mini variety!) Woot! Count me in! When?
:: please don't be during a tech week ::
ETA: omnis is up here though, and he's pretty nifty to hang out with
aw shucks, you making me blush
:: sheepish toe circles in the dirt ::
Mr. Jane has "Inebriation Specialist" on his business cards.
Love him just that much more - even though I have never met him.
I've met him, and he is made of the Awesome. Totally. I can see why DJ bagged that one. yup!
So what did I do today. Well... part of my morning included a recording session with the actors for the next show. At the end we had to record (audio mind you) the sounds of the preacher-man makin' love to his wife... and then with one of his lovers... then another of his lovers. 3 bits of sex recording I tell ya. Before that part started, the director asked to clear the room of non-essential folks, a typical move when rehearsing a nude bit in a play. I casually leaned over and asked "we are only doing audio, right?" And thankfully she took it as the joke I meant it to be and burst into laughter.
The down side of the recording session were the other bits, including a scene of a Klan meeting (and I'm not talking no kilt wearing Scotts klan either). Needless to say, the "N" word was tossed out a LOT, and with vehemency. Very unnerving. I'm not a fan of it's casual use in pop culture, but hearing it used like that, with hatred and such. Chills I say. Kudos to the actor I suppose, for selling the performance. But tech rehearsals next few weeks are going to have some uncomfortable moments, I fear.
Off to cook some pizza. I'm hungry!
forgot to say, misery loves company, thanks folks. I got the ick too down here in Dallas. It's a nationwide thing going. Ugg. It's on its way out, but still kickin' my ass.
Also, it's official. I'm a Texan! My drivers license came in the mail today! Yup, crappy picture, but what else is new.
Random anecdote from school:
Cute Wee Japanese Kid: Miss Fay! What does it mean, grobbering?
Miss Fay: Er...can you give me a context? I mean, where did you hear it?
Miss Fay: Okay, but what was the sentence? What were they saying? Who said it?
CWJK: On 'Fantastic Four', Ben Grimm like to say it.
Miss Fay: AHA!
grabs pen. writes down 'clobber'
Miss Fay: It's this! It means 'hit'!
demonstrates by punching invisible assailant with gusto, while putting on booming The Thing voice.
Miss Fay: "It's Clobbering Time!" means "It's Hitting Time!" So when Doctor Doom has been up to no good, Ben Grimm wants to hit him! Like when the Hulk says "Hulk Smash!"
CWJK: Aha! Cool!
that liking cartoons and comics and pop culture HELPS ME DO MY JOB! Yay!
Hey, you need any high school teachers over there? I teaches tha English! I teaches real gud.
Hey, does anyone know when we do superSekritFfistaSanta? I haven't done it the last couple of years and I'd like to participate this year.
Well, not at this school at the minute, but there are plenty of International Schools, and it's a lovely country - worth considering! (Although I think you'd be v. good at the Outreach job you mentioned too.)
I just completely collapsed for a couple of hours after work. Iris came upstairs and gave me a hug, after she got over the shock of me not being in my office.
Windsparrow is wise. {{vortex, ND, daisy jane, and everyone else ( who does brackets ) for good measure}}.
Hey Erin, we probably need some here. While not a foreign country, it does seem like the moon. I could use someone to help me keep what is left of my sanity.
(Although I think you'd be v. good at the Outreach job you mentioned too.)
I second this!
Aimee and I stuffed a lot of Peeps into our mouths at the LA F2F. I think she managed, like, a strip and a half or something ungodly that made everyone go, "DUDE, MM IS THE LUCKIEST FUCK ON EARTH."
I think we were actually sober at the time.
Job~ma for Erin.
Hugs and love all around, just for general purposes.
Hugs and -ma to all the sickies.
I'm going to my doctors tomorrow because I have been having days where I'm more depressed than when I started the ADs. I think it is the seasonal depression kicking in, but it's still no good.