They're sort of like a stiff marshmallow-- not as stiff as the petrified Lucky Charms marshmallows, but more so than your average marshmallow. And with some sort of mystery flavor to them, if (very long ago) memory serves.
This is an apt description.
I once saw those fake citrus slices being sold as a Chanukah treat. They were dyed a deep royal blue. So disturbing.
This is wrong and disturbing on so many levels.
Apparently, circus peanuts are the parent of Lucky Charms.
That's odd because I LOVE Lucky Charms! Petrified marshmallow goodness in cute shapes and colors!
Jili, are the granny boots you're wearing in the Bust picture flats, and, if so, where did you get them?
They've got a 2" walking heel, and I got them from Old Mill Mercantile's eBay store. [link]
The brand of the boots is Oak Tree Farms. They are some of the most insanely comfortable boots I've ever owned.
Jilli, thanks for posting that. I was going to ask you for more info on your boots.
And I *think* I love Peeps. I love the idea of them, but I haven't actually eaten any for years and years, because apparently SOMEONE thinks I get a little too manic when I have that much sugar.
That's odd because I LOVE Lucky Charms! Petrified marshmallow goodness in cute shapes and colors!
Me too! Perhaps the extra petrification and much smaller size make them more palatable.
Y'know, I don't think I've ever had Lucky Charms, either. The only time I ever had sugary cereal as a kid was at summer camp, and I don't think Lucky Charms were kosher.
Oh, and because I really am that wacky, here is the LJ post I made about The Boots when I got them. [link]
My mom totally let us have sugar cereal, God love her. My faves were Lucky Charms, Cap'n Crunch Crunch Berries, and Cookie Crisp. YUM!
My mom didn't allow sugary cereal at all. I generally ate either Cheerios or Corn Flakes for breakfast at home. The first few days of summer camp, I'd eat the Froot Loops and Apple Jacks and Frosted Flakes, but after a while I'd go back to Cheerios and Corn Flakes.