Ugh, Suzi! I hope it's easily resolved and refunded.
On the other hand, I'm very good at being a Designated Socializer/Icebreaker for introverted friends when we're at large social events together. I'll do the mingling/talking to strangers, while my friend stands next to me. Ask Cass, we do this every year at the Vampire Ball.
It's like socialization training wheels.
And awesome.
Dude, good times. Totally no stress for me (and I'd been out walking to unpeople) and excellent food and conversation times. I smile thinking of that lunch.
It was really nice and easygoing. Plus, unplanned bonus Cass time!
I love "scrum of snogging."
I'm very good at being a Designated Socializer/Icebreaker
Cybervixen (before first F2F): "We don't need any icebreaker games.
am the icebreaker."
Awww, Cybervixen. Sniff. Miss her. Now that first F2F. That was good times, man...
We were waltzing! Right into the pit boss! I felt further hijinx might be cause for us getting banninated.
True, true dat.
Acupuncture was pretty awesome. I felt so relaxed. She gave me some nasty herbs to take, though. Ew. And was more pricey than I'd been quoted. Still, it was pretty damned soothing. I go back on Monday.
So, my boy just backed out of plans tonight and in the e-mail he said, "vw bug's not feeling so good." I want to respond and say, "That's the lamest excuse ever." Probably shouldn't, though, right?
no. It's better not to get too detailed.
Actually the lamest excuses are sometimes the most believable.
And at first my brain objected and corrected "too good" to "
so well,
" but I got over it and started thinking that is just ambiguous enough to work.
Seldom eschew disambiguation when sending regrets.
I feel one of the hidden advantages of coupledom is to be able to back out of stuff because of the real (or even made-up) illness of your partner.
t not here
Hi everyone! I'm in the middle of the Caribbean Ocean, which is good. Not so good is the STUPIDLY expensive internet ($.37/minute!!!), so I've threadsucked and read a bit, but don't have time to stick around to chat. I decided to stay the second week with Drew, so we'll be back around the 17th/18th or so depending on a few factors that I can't go into right now. I went scuba diving for the first time today and am HOOKED. I'm thinking about getting certified next week for reals since this was just a shallow beginning dive.
Lots going on--I imagine Drew will pop in at some point and talk about all of that--but I just wanted you all to know that even in pretty, tropical waters, I miss you all.
t really not here
I'm a little late (maybe) on the whole introvert/extro vert thing.
I've said occiasionally that I'm an extrovert trapped inside an introvert's body. If that makes sense? Actually I'm an extrovert trapped under a huge freaking pile of insecurities and self esteem issues (and mental health issues) piled on top of being treated really shabbily through the years and being scarred by that. Oh and someone who didn't learn good social skills.
But I'm going to start working on that. But really I love talking to people and chatting but I get frozen up by my issues. But I don't have that problem in Second Life.
Whoo! Congrats to Daniel!!
Also yesterday and today I got two kick ass compliments on how I handled people in person and a phone call at work. One from the second in command guy.