With the introvert/extrovert thing I'm sort of a weird amalgam. I'm an introvert in the sense that I like nothing better than being at home, with my stuff and my family and my dogs.
I'm also painfully shy, which tends to come as a shock to people who meet me-- but the thing is, if I "know" you, via online or whatever, I'm good-- or if I'm with someone who knows other people. I have to have that buffer. My idea of a nightmare is to be sent into a room full of people where I, in no way, know anybody, and be told, "Okay, you have to work the room and introduce yourself."
Barb is me. Hi Me!
People who've known me a while laugh when I claim to be shy - because once I know you I'm a talker (an Epically Tangential one) and a Drama Queen and etc. But until I know you...can't tell you how many times I went to functions with my mom so she wouldn't have to go alone, then was told afterward that everyone thought I was a snob because I didn't talk.
I get overwhelmed at the f2fs, too, but not so much that it's not worth it. I am also shy. I think I shared this after the DC f2f, but one reason I dance all the time is so I don't have to talk to people. This is also why I gravitate to small children. With them I can just make faces and silly noises, and they usually think I'm pretty awesome. It's bad when I'm around other shy people - I manage not to think, "Maybe they're shy, too," but instead "OMG they must hate me I'ma not say anything."
Hey smonster is Me too! Damn, Me is hot today!
I have at least two or three people in my head that I met at SF2F and thought, "They're unfriendly" or "They don't like me". It wasn't until I was home, unfortunately, that I went, "Oh yeah, they're just Like Me." Thankfully, enough people at the SF2F were extroverted (or drunk, as the case may be *g*), that I feel like I was drawn out pretty quickly. And Deena, I had no idea you were feeling whelmed, you made such a great impression - of course, I was able to mostly interact one-on-one or small group-y with you - and the Answer's in the Question.
Friday morning vote for who is worse - Comcast or Verizon?
A vote proposed by someone who's never met Time Warner Cable (bastards!). And on that topic, has anyone ever tried the AT&T Uverse Cable thing? 'Cuz I am seriously thinking I need to break up with Time Warner for good.
I should mention that I had my six-months-late yearly review Wednesday.
I got an 8.5% raise.
Retroactive to my hiring date anniversary.
Wow, Daniel, So Awesome. Glad to see some credit where credit's due.
And the stress was worth it, because you looked STUNNING.
I only saw the picture you linked to on the bellydance website, but may I second this with a hearty Hear, Hear!
I had a hard time at the SF2F. Lots and lots of people. Who I didn't know all that well. And did I mention lots of people?
And again, I had no idea. You were great with me. (And helped me to see the Oh Yeah, Other People Are Like Me thing as well. Um, about other people, 'cuz you were great).
I will gladly chat with just about anyone, but I have a hard time *starting* the conversation. If no one starts, I just think no one wants to talk to me, so I don't try talking to them. It's a vicious circle.
And ChiKat is also Me. Me is just Lovely Altogether today.