Indeed. Poor Deena was stuck in a plane next to me for hours on the way to SF. I was excited to finally meet her and talked her ear off the whole way. It was wonderful for me to have this one on one time.
I'm not particularly introverted or extroverted. I'm quiet. If you get me one on one, then I am a chatterbox. Crowds don't bother me in the least, but I do enjoy observing more than performing.
I got an 8.5% raise.
Wonderful news! Yay for positive recognition.
Yay, Daniel!
I can, as anyone who has met me knows, talk at great length once I get started, but one reason is that the more nervous I am, the more I talk. F2Fs have become easier because I know enough people that I can turn them into a series of small conversations. I'm also fine if I have a purpose, such as writing an article, because then I'm not Ginger, I'm Girl Reporter.
I would like Vortex's personality, please.
I would like Vortex's personality, please.
It has its downsides, trust me. I like you just the way you are.
I am also like a lot of you-- it takes me awhile to get comfortable and talk, but I do so like to talk!
I thought I was going to die for awhile in Chicago, because there was no 'hospitality suite' and it was the first time meeting for a lot of people, and we didn't have a lot of specifics planned, and everyone was in my room!!! It got better, but I always felt awkward when people split off into small groups thinking maybe people didn't want me their group!
I am mostly an extrovert (people! events! talking to people I don't know can be fun!), but I
chunks of time to myself to recharge. And if I'm at an event where I have to be charming and gregarious for a lot of time with people I don't know (conventions, the recent Punk Rock Flea Market), then I need to spend the following day not interacting with The Humans very much.
Which is why I'm so grateful that Pete has a weekly D&D game that takes him out of the house. Because there are some times when I want an evening to myself, not talking to anyone at all, even the people I love.
On the other hand, I'm very good at being a Designated Socializer/Icebreaker for introverted friends when we're at large social events together. I'll do the mingling/talking to strangers, while my friend stands next to me. Ask Cass, we do this every year at the Vampire Ball.
I'm back. I bought a ton of yummy looking veggies at the farmers market as well as brownies (they balance each other out right?), picked up my comics, and now I'm home and for some reason completely exhausted. I would nap, but TCG is supposed to be sending me something he wants me to edit.
So, crazy dog that's staying with me: [link]
Congratulations, Daniel! The retroactive bit is a nice touch.
I think brownies and veggies are two thirds of a perfect dinner. The other third is wine.
I'm going in for my first ever acupuncture session in a little bit. I'm nervous and excited!