Oh, Sean. I'm so sorry about all this, love. Sucks. Profoundly sucks, for the both of you, but I respect the fact that you've drawn yourself some boundaries. At the end of the day, each of you does have to save themselves, rather than just rely on someone else to save them. But, man. Sucks.
Meanwhile, in entirely other news, I've just been round at my recently ex-boss's place for dinner and drinks. She and her husband will be leaving Thailand in a couple of weeks' time, and they wanted us to come help them drink up their booze and take away nail polish/books etc. I was a bit late for the nailpolish etc (massive feeding frenzy) but was the first to ransack the book pile. I have a large bag of books now, including most of the Aubrey/Maturin stuff, so yay for that! Also I'm a bit pissed (which will make tomorrow morning's shopping jaunt to china town...interesting). However, I'm posting because she was talking about her neice, in teh course of talking about Christmases at home, and turns out that sida niece is playing Guinevere ina BBC production called Merlin shortly. So I imdb'd, out of curiosity.
Playibng Uther Pendragon?
How cool is that'?
(also she's in the Doctor Who episoce The Girl in the Fireplace.)