Happy Birthday to the Hott Birthday Twins Jen & Meara!
Totally biased opinion, but I think McCain's choice is just going to look like a stunt. (thankyouthankyouthankyou) The Republican convention not only will be a snore fest after Obama's, but they will have to compete with a hurricane arriving. Maybe a bit of karma for what they did to us the last couple elections. Yes, I am blatantly biased.
Ack! Lotsa ~ma for you, Joe.
Happy birthdays meara and Jen!!! What a great day!
but they will have to compete with a hurricane arriving. Maybe a bit of karma for what they did to us the last couple elections.
Remember the crazy fundies who said that Katrina was punishment for NO's decadence? What is GAWD punishing the repubs for?
What is GAWD punishing the repubs for?
Let me make a list...
Vortex, your tag just makes me grin like crazy.
happy birthday, jen and meara!!!
S's health has been taking a slow turn for the worse since she came back from Texas.
As of this morning, it's looking very, very likely that I will have to go through the whole trip to the ER, followed by anxious days and nights while they try and stabilize her in the hospital thing one more time before I move out. She's very lethargic, is falling down and having serious problems walking around, and has been showing signs of electrolyte imbalance for a couple of days.
As per usual when she deteriorates to this condition, she gets very surly about denying her condition and her need to be in a hospital, which usually results in her not going in to the hospital until her condition has become dire. She's also being very resistant to the idea of going in to the hospital before tuesday (or monday at the earliest), she she doesn't get an enormous, ridiculous bill for Share of Cost for the month of August.
I'm sure I won't be able to get her in to a hospital before Monday.
I really can't go through this any more, but I will because it needs doing. It just makes me feel that much crappier about leaving. She can't live on her own. She needs somebody to take care of her, but I can't do it any more.
Ugh Sean, I'm so sorry you have to go through this again.
Off to muscle the van to the mechanic. Send me some ~ma!
she doesn't get an enormous, ridiculous bill for Share of Cost for the month of August.
Sean, I'm so, so sorry that you have to go through this right now, and I'm also furious that S has to worry about having to pay in order to live healthily.