Ugh, Kristin! I hope you are stoned outta your gourd and pain-free right now. Why are girly parts so freaking annoying?
You know, I quite like teaching stuff. I'm not so big on the supervising and scolding thing. That gets old.
This. Word to your motherfucking mother. I passed a signpost in my teaching career today -- students finally made me cry. A crazy (and I am not using the word metaphorically) student LOCKED me out today when I was in the hallway talking to another misbehaving student (this was the class AFTER the class ecurity removed two students - one, physically -- he was shamming being passed out, and wouldn't move) and I flipped out like a mammal, and told her to open the motherfucking door now. Security came, and I removed myself from the sitch. Luckily, after I cried tears of rage for 46 minutes, everything was fine -- admin was supergreat about it, and frankly, I think they were glad to have a concrete reason to remove this student.
It is the worst day of teaching I have ever had.
Damn, Erin. Now that's a shitty day. I hope it gets better from here.
That's horrible, Erin. Sheesh.
Kristin, are you feeling any better? Are you doped to the gills?
{{Erin}} I hope they remove the bitch permanently. I really wish they hadn't outlawed corporal punishment in schools. Bring the paddle back!
You know, I quite like teaching stuff. I'm not so big on the supervising and scolding thing. That gets old.
Yep. This. Is. Me.
(((((Erin))))) Hon, I am so sorry you had to suffer one of "those" kinds of students. I'm sorry that you have had such a dismal day, too. Take tonight to do something totally for you...drink, eat chocolate, read trashy books, watch a movie, whatever. Hair pats for you. It's wonderful your administration is supportive, that helps so much in horrid situations like you experienced today.
{{{{{Kristin}}}}} I hope you have spent the day totally drugged up and will start feeling better soon.
2008 better back off. Be warned, I have a voodoo doll with your name on it and I'm not afraid to use big, pointy, sharp pins. This year has overused its privileges and is now in a timeout until the end of December.
Oh, Erin, that really sucks. I hope the rest of the days (all of them, forever) go better.
Speaking of Del Martin (and I'm so sorry to hear about her loss, and so damn glad she had the last few months before she went), and also in light of our recent conversations about Barack and the marriage question, apparently Michelle Obama showed up at the GLBT delegates luncheon in Denver and had some good things to say. Brief description and video here: [link]