Eeek, Glam, that's expensive! But yeah, when going to small airports, at holidays, they'll getcha.
My niece, nephew and BiL playing at Rocky Mountain Fiddle Camp
Wow, that's impressive!!! Mad skillz.
Kristin, your year really HAS been cursed, dang! For all that I feel like someone has a voodoo doll of me and has occasionally been poking it with a tiny pin, they've been taking YOUR voodoo doll and really WHACKING at it, eesh!
We were gonna pick up MiL's ticket, but now we're thinking we may split the cost with her. Is that bad? So she'd pay about $350 for her $700 ticket. We never discussed the ticket thing with her - we were planning to get it as a Christmas gift. I don't know how I feel about it. It's DW's plan.
I think that if you didn't discuss it with her, it's hard to tell her she now owes you money. But your DW must think this is an okay plan and I suspect she knows her own mother.
Meanwhile, the librarian has not yet resigned. I'm still waiting! And scared she'll change her mind.
That's from Harvey. I assume it is his own special form of ma for everyone.
That's from Harvey. I assume it is his own special form of ma for everyone.
Ugh, I have a meeting in a few minutes that is going to be all sorts of Not Fun.
I don't like this week!
Nora, you want I should pour some Guinness or something through the interpipes for you?
IOnuncheonN, I want chicken soup for lunch. I may resort to going out to the truck stop with the nice buffet/salad/soup bar.
Aw, man... Kerfuffle Bunny, it's like I don't even know you.
They're only doing it to help us!
Today's Two Lumps