my cat has something going on blood in his urine ,for which there seems to be no explanation. there is some sort of inflammation and the cause might be - stress. he is getting a new drug tomorrow- but he just went crazy for an hour. Looking for places to hide ,but he couldn't stay there ,but the urge was too strong.... the only thing I could think of doing - make him drink more the urge was productive.Tuna juice was the answer.of course I had to wear some of the I am now wearing street clothes and eating half a tuna fish sandwich. he seems to be calming down a little.
meanwhile DH and nephew - asleep
sending the painma~~your way Kristin
cat is now clam- Ithink that means I get tosleep
wishing you sleep soon Kristin
(((((Kristin))))) and much relief~ma coming your way, hon.
And now, 2008, will you please BACK OFF!
Update: pain that a double dose of morphine doesn't fully eliminate sucks donkey dick. Ita, I don't know how you do this. I'm exhausted from the pain, though thankfully the horrible attack I had earlier has subsided a bit. Took two doses of morphine to get here, though, which doesn't bode well. I'll know more soon, I hope. Just finished the last of my ultrasounds, so the doc should come see me soonish. I sent Drew home a couple of hours ago so he could at least get a little sleep. I don't know if they will be releasig me some time tonight or if they're going to admit me. It depends on the tests, I suppose.
Sorry to babble at you all, but you're my only contact with the outside world at this point. I'm a little scared. I keep thinking "what if," which is a dangerous path when you're in the ER waiting on lab results.
paces in pix's room and juggles bedpans to help pass the time. (((pix))))
All the ~ma in the world to you, hon.
gentle hugs to Kristin. You guys just are having a not very good string of months here. Much ~ma from a morning East Coaster.
Yeah, 2008 has been a year.
There is a screaming child in the room on one side of me and a moaning woman on the other side. The compassionate part of me feels badly for them, but the selfish part of me just wants them to shut it. I can't believe it's almost 4 in the morning. I would like to sleep, but I don't think I can. Blah.