Yeah, 2008 has been a year.
There is a screaming child in the room on one side of me and a moaning woman on the other side. The compassionate part of me feels badly for them, but the selfish part of me just wants them to shut it. I can't believe it's almost 4 in the morning. I would like to sleep, but I don't think I can. Blah.
Goodness, Kristin. I'm sorry even the good drugs aren't killing the pain. Much feeling better~ma to you.
(((((Kristin))))) I'm relieved you went to the ER. I was worried. I hope the good drugs start helping and you get some answers very soon.
i'm so sorry the pain didn't lessen up, Kristin. i hope you've had some rest at this point. all my ~ma are belong to you.
Good God, honey-- what the hell's going on?
Universe, enough. already. Don't make me get out the voodoo doll.
Thanks again to you all for keeping me company tonight. I haven't really slept yet, but I've dosed a bit. The doctor just came in with results. Blood and urine look fine. Ultrasound shows nasty cystic ovaries (no surprise there) and what looks like blood from a ruptured one. The doc says that she can't completely rule out appendicites, however, so she's decided to do a CT scan. Fun. I get to drink the gross contrast fluid shortly and will have the scan in a few hours once it's had time to spread through my body. No way I'm getting out of here before 8 at this point. Blah.
Oh gross. The contrast is worse than I remembered. It tastes like dirty pool water.
Kristin, I'm sorry to see you had such a rough night. I hope things are improving by now.
Yuck, Kristin. I hate that stuff. Best of luck.
I actually slept through the night for the first time in at least a week. I almost feel human today.
Thanks Brenda and sj. Night's not over yet, but the morphine is mostly keeping the pain at bay at least. I am more worried about managing to drink all of this nastiness without puking at this point. I will be very glad when I eventually get home and get to sleep, but I don't think that will be before 8 at the earliest at this point. I can't sleep now because I have to drink a cup of this crap every twenty minutes until it's gone. I'm trying to figure out how to trick myself into believing it's not as gross as it is.
Also, Moaning!Girl has gotten louder and more persistent. I truly do feel badly that she's in so much pain, but she's making it difficult for me to forget about my own. This may make me callous and strange.