The reporter in the video says it will come with a "hefty" price tag of $20,000 when it comes out in 2010.
That's nothing. My ex's prosthetic leg cost that much.
I'm thinking that's one of those things that a lot of people wouldn't mind shelling out $20 for a car wash, or plunking down a chunk of change at a charity auction, to help raise money for, even if bloody stupid insurance companies don't want to throw down for 'em.
I am in the ER. The pain got so bad that I started crying and it didn't let up for at least 20 minutes, so I finally gave in. Poor Drew has to get up early. I want to send him home, but he's afraid he will fall asleep and not wake up enough to come get me eventually. They've been relatively quick so far, at least. They've already taken various bodily fluids and gotten me set up to be seen by a doctor once the labs are done. I'm having a brief respite from the pain right now, which is nice.
I obviously won't be going to work tomorrow morning, but I'm going to try to go in late so the day's not a total loss.
O Kristin!!!! I hope it's something easy. Try and get some rest while there. Especially if you are wanting to go to work in the AM. Tons of ~ma heading your way from Dallas.
my cat has something going on blood in his urine ,for which there seems to be no explanation. there is some sort of inflammation and the cause might be - stress. he is getting a new drug tomorrow- but he just went crazy for an hour. Looking for places to hide ,but he couldn't stay there ,but the urge was too strong.... the only thing I could think of doing - make him drink more fluids.so the urge was productive.Tuna juice was the answer.of course I had to wear some of the tuna.so I am now wearing street clothes and eating half a tuna fish sandwich. he seems to be calming down a little.
meanwhile DH and nephew - asleep
sending the painma~~your way Kristin
cat is now clam- Ithink that means I get tosleep
wishing you sleep soon Kristin
(((((Kristin))))) and much relief~ma coming your way, hon.
And now, 2008, will you please BACK OFF!
Update: pain that a double dose of morphine doesn't fully eliminate sucks donkey dick. Ita, I don't know how you do this. I'm exhausted from the pain, though thankfully the horrible attack I had earlier has subsided a bit. Took two doses of morphine to get here, though, which doesn't bode well. I'll know more soon, I hope. Just finished the last of my ultrasounds, so the doc should come see me soonish. I sent Drew home a couple of hours ago so he could at least get a little sleep. I don't know if they will be releasig me some time tonight or if they're going to admit me. It depends on the tests, I suppose.
Sorry to babble at you all, but you're my only contact with the outside world at this point. I'm a little scared. I keep thinking "what if," which is a dangerous path when you're in the ER waiting on lab results.
paces in pix's room and juggles bedpans to help pass the time. (((pix))))
All the ~ma in the world to you, hon.