Wow. I have really no idea how that interview went. I usually have a pretty good sense, but NO sense on that. Also, I won't know anything until after September 15, which makes me consider backing out, since that will be too late to be able to add a class and get school credit for the internship.
Also, it sucked the life out of me. I'm completely exhausted.
Casper update (that is what we've been calling new kitten): Vet appointment went well though little C was not pleased to be there at all. He weighs 11 oz. They dewormed him, gave him some Advantage for his many flea friends (ew), and put him on antibiotics and eye meds. So he is on the mend but let's us know frequently that we are VERY BAD MEANIES for pulling him off the street and poking him in the mouth with meds. VERY BAD! Too bad he's all tiny and helpless - doesn't help much with the ferocious kitty act. We're hoping he'll start mellowing out in the next couple of days once his eyes, cold, and flea problem start getting sorted out. Poor little guy.
I've been having vividly weird dreams since I started taking sleeping pills.
What's the word for words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently with different meanings? Like, "my schedule was planned down to the minute in minute detail"?
Casper update (that is what we've been calling new kitten)
Oh now you're going to be getting me confused about deworming Flea's daughter.
Corporate Stooge Culinary Update:
The cafeteria has roast beets today. nom nom nom
Tips from CLR: WASHING MACHINES: Run empty machine without detergent up to main wash cycle. Stop machine and add one-half cup CLR. Finish cycle. Run one additional full cycle (wash and rinse) with water only to rinse machine fully.
I think the issue in the machine has been resolved, I'm just trying to work out how to get the resulting stains out of my clothes. OxyClean/OxyPower as detergent?
Can I get some interview -ma for TCG this afternoon? He's been stressed out lately because of the car stuff, and I really want this interview o go well for him.
Speaking of OxyClean, there's a Woolite carpet cleaner that has OxyClean in it. That stuff gets all kinds of nasty stuff out of off-white carpet. It's great.
Much interview~ma for TCG.