So. There's flooding. 4 rivers are flooding, roads are closed.
Schools will be open.
Oh and Gustav is a Tropical STorm, probably will become a hurricane, should hit Cuba and come to Florida.
oh yay.
BTW for Barb and GG- Lake Ella was flooded almost to Meridian!
So this rain that has been camped out over us all day has a name? Where does this stuff come from? It's like one day nothing; next tropical storm.
I think it went from a depression that won't turn into anything, to Tropical Depression Gustav, to Tropical Storm Gustav quickly but I'm not sure.
We don't have interent at work. Well we're cut off from anything not work related and that includes the news.
Yeah, I guess it's dumb to be mad at the weather for being unpredictable, but I swear I just checked for storms/hurricanes yesterday.
For those being rained on.
We have finally gotten a lot of rain, courtesy of Hurricane Fay. Our Fay will appreciate the headline on my weather bulletin e-mail:
"Thanks to Fay, we are wet!!"
I just turned on the news and what was on? TS Gustav, of course.
Connie's link made me laugh.
"Thanks to Fay, we are wet!!"
Okay, everyone in the thread change tags before the next time she logs in.
I have never, NEVER been treated so rudely as this class. And there are some good kids in there, but seriously? THis class made me want to walk out of the building and never go back. I am still furious. What parent raises their children to think that this is appropriate?
Oh, Erin, I am so sorry. I had a clas like that last year. I ended up kicking kids out of class repeatedly, sending them to the Dean, and letting the Dean suspend them. It's all I could do.
This year, I have already had to fuss at 1 class about non-participation and how that affects their grade. Dudes. It's a game where you introduce yourself. Say 2 fucking words. Seriously.
And, I'm doing the tough teacher bit right now to get my 6th graders in line. One girl already hates me because I made her move seats so she wouldn't talk to her friend. After I asked her to be quiet 3 time. Poor dear. I'm such a bitch.