GC, Momo would like a little brother to beat up on, curl up with, and give head-washings to when you and GFW aren't there to blind with lethal cuteness. Go on, ask her!
Felicitations, Barb, on the Anniversary of Your Natal Day!
I'm wishing you all good things, plus today? Cake!
Happy Anniversary, Jess and FoneBone! All due felicitations, and wishes for many many more such occasions to celebrate!
Lucky kitten to be found by GC and DW. Even if he eventually ends up in someone else's home, you two will have saved his life.
GC, Momo would like a little brother to beat up on, curl up with, and give head-washings to when you and GFW aren't there to blind with lethal cuteness. Go on, ask her!
Momo has a big sister that she likes to attack. If we only had the Mo, we'd be in a better position to keep this one. I'm taking the little guy into the vet today at 3. They're going to freak out - TINY! CUTENESS! Oh and we took some pix, so you'll all see, too.
Oh, GC, I'm so glad you found him. Poor little thing!
Speaking of the vet...just got home from Toto's yearly visit. It was actually scheduled for last week, but I rescheduled it so he could see the regular vet. I wanted to talk to her about his anxiety. It's been getting crazy bad...especially during thunder storms. She said it's been a really bad thunder storm year, and she's actually seen quite a few pets with storm phobias. So, early in the summer she did some more research on the best as needed med for this, and turns out it's Xanax. So, Toto's got Xanax for thunder storms and other times he gets anxious (which I can tell because he gets shaky and panty). I really hope it helps because I've just felt so badly for the little guy lately. We might get to test it today. We've got storms forecasted.
Hippo Birdies Barb!
Anniversarry Happies Jessica and Fone Bone!
Happy B-day Barb!
I am filled with much gronk. Slept about 4 hours later than I wanted to. I really don't want to do the DMV stuff. Motivation low. And why does Texas make ya go to THREE different locations to do it?
:: sigh ::
Monday afternoon poll:
Which no fun task should vw attack this afternoon?
a) Major laundry
b) Organizing her office
c) Organizing her storage area
d) Screw that and crochet!
e) tickybox!
Omnis, if it helps - Colorado makes you do the hokey-pokey too. One place for the Driver's License. Another place for car reg, which sends you to a third to get a VIN verification and a fourth to get the vehicle tested. Which reminds me, I should check up with my mom on her progress through that system. One minor benefit of not having my own car is I only had to hit the one place for my DL.
I vote for organizing storage followed by a reward of crochet.
Which no fun task should vw attack this afternoon?
I see two fun items on that list. And where is the quilting, if we are headed in that direction.
Choose laundry. Go laundry. Dirty laundry is no one's friend.