I get the feeling that when the people at Cracked get bored, they decide to take a swipe at fanfic. Also, what a shock that they're all slash.
Yeah, the mocking of ficcing and teh gay made the article not really all that funny. Which is a shame, because mocking badfic shouldn't be that hard to make funny.
Make sense?
Yeah. I think I don't get this section, which is why I asked. I think I'm going to post as is and see what the prof says. I'll know for next semester...
I think I'm going to post as is and see what the prof says.
Probably a good idea.
In TS Fay news, there is none. She hasn't moved. I think even NOAA is getting bored with her, since they haven't updated since 11AM ET.
If only we could keep the other Fay within U.S. borders for so long.
Can hermit crabs grow back their claws? I was watching one of those nature survival shows and it doesn't bug me when they eat whole worms or bugs or fishies but this guy was ripping the claws off hermit crabs and throwing the live crabs aside and it really upset me. I would feel a little bit better if I knew they could grow their claws back.
Can hermit crabs grow back their claws? I was watching one of those nature survival shows and it doesn't bug me when they eat whole worms or bugs or fishies but this guy was ripping the claws off hermit crabs and throwing the live crabs aside and it really upset me. I would feel a little bit better if I knew they could grow their claws back.
I'm pretty sure they can. Don't swear by my info, but I think that is, in fact, correct. They're not that distantly related to bugs.
Which is a shame, because mocking badfic shouldn't be that hard to make funny.
I'd cheerfully put the Nikita badfic writer up against any of those stories, especially the story that involved Antiques Roadshow, the Apocalypse, golf carts, and the United Nations.