"All of my clothes are dirty, and I have an interview tomorrow. What should I do?"
Jeez, in my family the answer to that would've been an expressive roll of the eyes accompanied with a derisive "Pfft" and wave of the hand.
Unless, of course, you're a boy. Then your clothes get washed and lovingly ironed. Lightly starched, even.
Oh, shit, Sparky. I just posted it. That would have been better!
Hey, Barb, what is "...happily ever after..." in Spanish? Is it "felizmente desde entonces"?
Off to check out video...
"Vivieron felices para siempre." Which is, technically, "they lived happily forever," but basically, same dif.
Okay, they're kind of mean about ficcing in this article, but it's still amusing, both for the WTF? and for wondering if anybody around here has read any of these stories:
5 Most Baffling Sex Scenes in the History of Fanfiction
Ok. One more question for now.
Did I get the present subjunctives right in this?
Yo quiero tenga siempre tiempo para hacer las cosas que me encanta: pase tiempo con mi familia y amigos, hago edredones, siempre aprenda cosas nuevas, lea cada buen libro jamás escrito, y esté involucrados en un trabajo significativo. Se trata de una lista corta!